School of Mathematics Readmission Process

Readmission after leave of absence (not due to academic drop/dismissal)

Students who have been away from Georgia Tech for two or more semesters and are in good standing, probation, or warning status may reapply through the Registrar. See the Georgia Tech Readmission Policy.

Readmission after first drop/dismissal from Georgia Tech

The first time that you are put on academic dismissal/drop:

  1. You are required to take two consecutive semesters off. The summer semester can count as one of those two semesters. 
  2. It is generally a good idea to try and enroll in some classes at another institute to remind yourself that you can be successful! 

For more information on readmission after the first drop/dismissal, click here-

Readmission after second drop/dismissal from Georgia Tech

According to the General Catalog for the Georgia Institute of Technology "a student who is dropped a second time for unsatisfactory scholarship will not be readmitted." The School of Mathematics adheres to Georgia Tech policy regarding readmission after second drop/dismissal and will not consider readmissions applications from students who were dropped/dismissed twice from Georgia Tech. See the Georgia Tech Readmission Policy.