Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Frames via Unilateral Iterations of Bounded Operators

Dissertation Defense
Thursday, April 27, 2023 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Victor BaileyGeorgia Tech

Dynamical Sampling is, in a sense, a hypernym classifying the set of inverse problems arising from considering samples of a signal and its future states under the action of a bounded linear operator. Recent works in this area consider questions such as when can a given frame for a separable Hilbert Space, $\{f_k\}_{k \in I} \subset H$, be represented by iterations of an operator on a single vector and what are necessary and sufficient conditions for a system, $\{T^n \varphi\}_{n=0}^{\infty} \subset H$, to be a frame? In this talk, we will discuss the connection between frames given by iterations of a bounded operator and the theory of model spaces in the Hardy-Hilbert Space as well as necessary and sufficient conditions for a system generated by the orbit of a pair of commuting bounded operators to be a frame. This is joint work with Carlos Cabrelli.

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Two graph classes with bounded chromatic number

Dissertation Defense
Monday, April 17, 2023 - 09:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 114 (or Zoom)
Joshua SchroederGeorgia Tech

Please Note: Zoom: Meeting ID: 982 5658 6748 Password: 929165

A class of graphs is said to be $\chi$-bounded with binding function $f$ if for every such graph $G$, it satisfies $\chi(G) \leq f(\omega(G)$, and polynomially $\chi$-bounded if $f$ is a polynomial. It was conjectured that chair-free graphs are perfectly divisible, and hence admit a quadratic $\chi$-binding function. In addition to confirming that chair-free graphs admit a quadratic $\chi$-binding function, we will extend the result by demonstrating that $t$-broom free graphs are polynomially $\chi$-bounded for any $t$ with binding function $f(\omega) = O(\omega^{t+1})$. A class of graphs is said to satisfy the Vizing bound if it admits the $\chi$-binding function $f(\omega) = \omega + 1$. It was conjectured that (fork, $K_3$)-free graphs would be 3-colorable, where fork is the graph obtained from $K_{1, 4}$ by subdividing two edges. This would also imply that (paw, fork)-free graphs satisfy the Vizing bound. We will prove this conjecture through a series of lemmas that constrain the structure of any minimal counterexample.

Counting Hamiltonian cycles in planar triangulations

Dissertation Defense
Thursday, April 13, 2023 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Xiaonan LiuGeorgia Tech

Whitney showed that every planar triangulation without separating triangles is Hamiltonian. This result was extended to all $4$-connected planar graphs by Tutte. Hakimi, Schmeichel, and Thomassen showed the first lower bound $n/ \log _2 n$ for the number of Hamiltonian cycles in every $n$-vertex $4$-connected planar triangulation and in the same paper, they conjectured that this number is at least $2(n-2)(n-4)$, with equality if and only if $G$ is a double wheel. We show that every $4$-connected planar triangulation on $n$ vertices has $\Omega(n^2)$ Hamiltonian cycles. Moreover, we show that if $G$ is a $4$-connected planar triangulation on $n$ vertices and the distance between any two vertices of degree $4$ in $G$ is at least $3$, then $G$ has $2^{\Omega(n^{1/4})}$ Hamiltonian cycles.

First passage percolation: exceptional events and asymptotic behavior of invasion restricted geodesics

Dissertation Defense
Thursday, April 13, 2023 - 12:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
David HarperGeorgia Tech

 In first-passage percolation (FPP), we let $\tau_v$ be i.i.d. nonnegative weights on the vertices of a graph and study the weight of the minimal path between distant vertices. If $F$ is the distribution function of $\tau_v$, there are different regimes: if $F(0)$ is small, this weight typically grows like a linear function of the distance, and when $F(0)$ is large, the weight is typically of order one. In between these is the critical regime in which the weight can diverge but does so sublinearly. This talk will consider a dynamical version of critical FPP on the triangular lattice where vertices resample their weights according to independent rate-one Poisson processes. We will discuss results that show that if the sum of $F^{-1}(1/2+1/2^k)$ diverges, then a.s. there are exceptional times at which the weight grows atypically, but if the sum of $k^{7/8} F^{-1}(1/2+1/2^k)$ converges, then a.s. there are no such times. Furthermore, in the former case, we compute the Hausdorff and Minkowski dimensions of the exceptional set and show that they can be but need not be equal. Then we will consider what the model looks like when the weight of a long path is unusually small by considering an analogous construction to Kesten's incipient infinite cluster in the FPP setting. This is joint work with M. Damron, J. Hanson, W.-K. Lam.

Finally, we discuss a result related to work of Damron-Lam-Wang ('16) that the growth of the passage time to distance $n$ ($\mathbb{E}T(0,\partial B(n))$, where $B(n) = [-n,n]^2$)  has the same order (up to a constant factor) as the sequence $\mathbb{E}T^{\text{inv}}(0,\partial B(n))$. This second passage time is the minimal total weight of any path from 0 to $\partial B(n)$ that resides in a certain embedded invasion percolation cluster. We discuss a result that claims this constant factor cannot be taken to be 1. This result implies that the time constant for the model is different than that for the related invasion model, and that geodesics in the two models have different structures. This was joint work with M. Damron. 



Quantum trace maps for skein algebras

Dissertation Defense
Friday, April 7, 2023 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Tao YuGeorgia Institute of Technology

We study quantizations of SL_n-character varieties, which appears as moduli spaces for many geometric structures. Our main goal is to establish the existence of several quantum trace maps. In the classical limit, they reduce to the Fock-Goncharov trace maps, which are coordinate charts on moduli spaces of SL_n-local systems used in higher Teichmuller theory. In the quantized theory, the algebras are replaced with non-commutative deformations. The domains of the quantum trace maps are the SL_n-skein algebra and the reduced skein algebra, and the codomains are quantum tori, which are non-commutative analogs of Laurent polynomial algebras. In this talk, I will review the classical theory and sketch the definition of the quantum trace maps.

Algebraic and semi-algebraic invariants on quadrics

Dissertation Defense
Friday, July 22, 2022 - 08:30 for 2 hours
Skiles 006 and Zoom meeting (
Jaewoo JungGeorgia Institute of Technology

Dissertation defense information

Date and Time: July 22, 2022, 08:30 am - 10:30 am (EST)


  • Skiles 006 (In-person)
  • Zoom meeting (Online):



This dissertation consists of two topics concerning algebraic and semi-algebraic invariants on quadrics.

 The ranks of the minimal graded free resolution of square-free quadratic monomial ideals can be investigated combinatorially. We study the bounds on the algebraic invariant, Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity, of the quadratic ideals in terms of properties on the corresponding simple graphs. Our main theorem is the graph decomposition theorem that provides a bound on the regularity of a quadratic monomial ideal. By combining the main theorem with results in structural graph theory, we proved, improved, and generalized many of the known bounds on the regularity of square-free quadratic monomial ideals.

 The Hankel index of a real variety is a semi-algebraic invariant that quantifies the (structural) difference between nonnegative quadrics and sums of squares on the variety. This project is motivated by an intriguing (lower) bound of the Hankel index of a variety by an algebraic invariant, the Green-Lazarsfeld index, of the variety. We study the Hankel index of the image of the projection of rational normal curves away from a point. As a result, we found a new rank of the center of the projection which detects the Hankel index of the rational curves. It turns out that the rational curves are the first class of examples that the lower bound of the Hankel index by the Green-Lazarsfeld index is strict.


Advisor: Dr. Grigoriy Blekherman, School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology


  • Dr. Matthew Baker, School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Dr. Anton Leykin, School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Dr. Rainer Sinn, Institute of Mathematics, Universität Leipzig
  • Dr. Josephine Yu, School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology


Application of Circle Method in Five Number Theory Problems

Dissertation Defense
Friday, July 15, 2022 - 12:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Hamed MousaviGeorgia Institute of Technology

This thesis consists of three applications of the circle method in number theory problems. In the first part, we study the $p-$divisibility of the central binomial coefficients. For a certain set of large prime numbers, we prove that there are infinitely many integers $n$, which $\binom{2n}{n}$ has these primes with unexpectedly small multiplicity in its prime factorization. This result is related to an open problem conjectured by Graham, stating that there are infinitely many integers $n$ which the binomial coefficients $\binom{2n}{n}$ is coprime with $105$. The proof consists of the Fourier analysis method, as well as geometrically bypassing an old conjecture about the primes.

In the second part, we discover an unexpected cancellation on the sums involving the exponential functions. Applying this theorem on the first terms of the Ramanujan-Hardy-Rademacher expansion gives us a natural proof of a ``weak" pentagonal number theorem. We find several similar upper bounds for many different partition functions. Additionally, we prove another set of ``weak" pentagonal number theorems for the primes, which allows us to count the number of primes in certain intervals with small error. Finally, we show an approximate solution to the Prouhet-Tarry-Escott problem using a similar technique. The core of the proofs is an involved circle method argument.

The third part of this thesis is about finding an endpoint $\ell^p-$improving inequality for an ergodic sum involving the primes. As the set of the prime is almost full-dimensional, the question on the endpoint becomes more interesting, because we want to bound $\ell^{\infty}$ to $\ell^{1}$ operator. The weak-type inequality we propose depends on the assumption of the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis. Assuming GRH, we prove the sharpest possible bound up to a constant. Unconditionally, we prove the same inequality up to a $\log $ factor.  The proof is based on a circle method argument and careful use of the Ramanujan sums.

Factorization theorems and canonical representations for generating functions of special sums

Dissertation Defense
Wednesday, July 6, 2022 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Hybrid - Skiles 006 and Zoom
Maxie Dion SchmidtGeorgia Tech
ABSTRACT: This manuscript explores many convolution (restricted summation) type sequences via certain types of matrix based factorizations that can be used to express their generating functions. These results are a main focus of the author's publications from 2017-2021. The last primary (non-appendix) section of the thesis explores the topic of how to best rigorously define a so-termed "canonically best" matrix based factorization for a given class of convolution sum sequences. The notion of a canonical factorization for the generating function of such sequences needs to match the qualitative properties we find in the factorization theorems for Lambert series generating functions (LGFs). The expected qualitatively most expressive expansion we find in the LGF case results naturally from algebraic constructions of the underlying LGF series type. We propose a precise quantitative requirement to generalize this notion in terms of optimal cross-correlation statistics for certain sequences that define the matrix based factorizations of the generating function expansions we study. We finally pose a few conjectures on the types of matrix factorizations we expect to find when we are able to attain the maximal (respectively minimal) correlation statistic for a given sum type. COMMITTEE:
  • Dr. Josephine Yu, Georgia Tech
  • Dr. Matthew Baker, Georgia Tech
  • Dr. Rafael de la Llave, Georgia Tech
  • Dr. Jayadev Athreya, University of Washington
  • Dr. Bruce Berndt, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Thesis Defense: James Wenk

Dissertation Defense
Tuesday, July 5, 2022 - 11:00 for 2 hours
Skiles 005
James Wenk

Please Note: I will be defending my thesis on the shortest closed curve to inspect a sphere. Time: 11am EST Location: Skiles 005, also on Zoom at Committee: Dr. Mohammad Ghomi, Advisor School of Mathematics Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Igor Belegradek School of Mathematics Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Jason Cantarella Department of Mathematics University of Georgia Dr. Rob Kusner Department of Mathematics University of Massachusetts Dr. Galyna Livshyts School of Mathematics Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Michael Loss School of Mathematics Georgia Institute of Technology

Erdos-Posa theorems for undirected group-labelled graphs

Dissertation Defense
Friday, June 10, 2022 - 11:00 for 1.5 hours (actually 80 minutes)
Skiles 006 (hybrid)
Youngho YooGeorgia Tech

Erdos and Posa proved in 1965 that cycles satisfy an approximate packing-covering duality. Finding analogous approximate dualities for other families of graphs has since become a highly active area of research due in part to its algorithmic applications. In this thesis we investigate the Erdos-Posa property of various families of constrained cycles and paths by developing new structural tools for undirected group-labelled graphs.

Our first result is a refinement of the flat wall theorem of Robertson and Seymour to undirected group-labelled graphs. This structure theorem is then used to prove the Erdos-Posa property of A-paths of length 0 modulo p for a fixed odd prime p, answering a question of Bruhn and Ulmer. Further, we obtain a characterization of the abelian groups G and elements g for which A-paths of weight g satisfy the Erdos-Posa property. These results are from joint work with Robin Thomas.

We extend our structural tools to graphs labelled by multiple abelian groups and consider the Erdos-Posa property of cycles whose weights avoid a fixed finite subset in each group. We find three types of topological obstructions and show that they are the only obstructions to the Erdos-Posa property of such cycles. This is a far-reaching generalization of a theorem of Reed that Escher walls are the only obstructions to the Erdos-Posa property of odd cycles. Consequently, we obtain a characterization of the sets of allowable weights in this setting for which the Erdos-Posa property holds for such cycles, unifying a large number of results in this area into a general framework. As a special case, we characterize the integer pairs (L,M) for which cycles of length L mod M satisfy the Erdos-Posa property. This resolves a question of Dejter and Neumann-Lara from 1987. Further, our description of the obstructions allows us to obtain an analogous characterization of the Erdos-Posa property of cycles in graphs embeddable on a fixed compact orientable surface. This is joint work with Pascal Gollin, Kevin Hendrey, O-joung Kwon, and Sang-il Oum.

Zoom link:
