Group theory and the Graph Isomorphism problem

ACO Distinguished Lecture
Tuesday, January 10, 2017 - 11:05am for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Klaus 1116
Laszlo Babai – University of Chicago
Robin Thomas

Please Note: This lecture is part of ACO25, a conference celebrating the 25th anniversary of the ACO Program. For more details about the conference please visit

In this talk we outline the core group theoretic routine, the "Local Certificates" algorithm, underlying the new Graph Isomorphism test. The basic strategy follows Luks's group-theoretic divide-and-conquer approach (1980). We address the bottleneck of Luks's technique via local-global interaction based on a new group theoretic lemma. Undergraduate-level familiarity with the basic concept of group theory (homomorphism, kernel, quotient group, permutation groups) will be assumed.