John’s ellipsoid is not good for approximation

High Dimensional Seminar
Wednesday, September 18, 2019 - 3:00pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Han Huang – Georgia Tech – hhuang421@gatech.edu
Galyna Livshyts

We study the subject of approximation of convex bodies by polytopes in high dimension.  

For a convex set K in R^n, we say that K can be approximated by a polytope of m facets by a distance R>1 if there exists a polytope of P m facets such that K contains P and RP contains K. 

When K is symmetric, the maximal volume ellipsoid of K is used heavily on how to construct such polytope of poly(n) facets to approximate K. In this talk, we will discuss why the situation is entirely different for non-symmetric convex bodies.