Appointment on AMS Committee of Science Policy

October 31, 2014 | Atlanta, GA

Professor Howie Weiss has accepted to serve a three year term on the Committee of Science Policy (CSP) for the American Mathematical Society (AMS). According to David Vogan, President of the AMS, one of the main activities of the CSP is to visit congressional offices to talk about the importance of federal funding for science. Another is to guide the AMS on broad issues regarding science policy. Hopefully, this will increase Georgia Tech's visibility in Washington.

The Committee on Science Policy serves as a forum for dialogue about matters of science involving representatives of the society, government and other interested parties. It interacts with federal agencies and policymakers and provides advice to the society on matters of broad science policy. It also conducts periodic reviews of society activities in areas of science policy and selects those elements of AMS meeting programs which bear directly on policy questions that are within the purview of the committee.