Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Factorization theorems and canonical representations for generating functions of special sums

Dissertation Defense
Wednesday, July 6, 2022 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Hybrid - Skiles 006 and Zoom
Maxie Dion SchmidtGeorgia Tech
ABSTRACT: This manuscript explores many convolution (restricted summation) type sequences via certain types of matrix based factorizations that can be used to express their generating functions. These results are a main focus of the author's publications from 2017-2021. The last primary (non-appendix) section of the thesis explores the topic of how to best rigorously define a so-termed "canonically best" matrix based factorization for a given class of convolution sum sequences. The notion of a canonical factorization for the generating function of such sequences needs to match the qualitative properties we find in the factorization theorems for Lambert series generating functions (LGFs). The expected qualitatively most expressive expansion we find in the LGF case results naturally from algebraic constructions of the underlying LGF series type. We propose a precise quantitative requirement to generalize this notion in terms of optimal cross-correlation statistics for certain sequences that define the matrix based factorizations of the generating function expansions we study. We finally pose a few conjectures on the types of matrix factorizations we expect to find when we are able to attain the maximal (respectively minimal) correlation statistic for a given sum type. COMMITTEE:
  • Dr. Josephine Yu, Georgia Tech
  • Dr. Matthew Baker, Georgia Tech
  • Dr. Rafael de la Llave, Georgia Tech
  • Dr. Jayadev Athreya, University of Washington
  • Dr. Bruce Berndt, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Thesis Defense: James Wenk

Dissertation Defense
Tuesday, July 5, 2022 - 11:00 for 2 hours
Skiles 005
James Wenk

Please Note: I will be defending my thesis on the shortest closed curve to inspect a sphere. Time: 11am EST Location: Skiles 005, also on Zoom at Committee: Dr. Mohammad Ghomi, Advisor School of Mathematics Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Igor Belegradek School of Mathematics Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Jason Cantarella Department of Mathematics University of Georgia Dr. Rob Kusner Department of Mathematics University of Massachusetts Dr. Galyna Livshyts School of Mathematics Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Michael Loss School of Mathematics Georgia Institute of Technology

Erdos-Posa theorems for undirected group-labelled graphs

Dissertation Defense
Friday, June 10, 2022 - 11:00 for 1.5 hours (actually 80 minutes)
Skiles 006 (hybrid)
Youngho YooGeorgia Tech

Erdos and Posa proved in 1965 that cycles satisfy an approximate packing-covering duality. Finding analogous approximate dualities for other families of graphs has since become a highly active area of research due in part to its algorithmic applications. In this thesis we investigate the Erdos-Posa property of various families of constrained cycles and paths by developing new structural tools for undirected group-labelled graphs.

Our first result is a refinement of the flat wall theorem of Robertson and Seymour to undirected group-labelled graphs. This structure theorem is then used to prove the Erdos-Posa property of A-paths of length 0 modulo p for a fixed odd prime p, answering a question of Bruhn and Ulmer. Further, we obtain a characterization of the abelian groups G and elements g for which A-paths of weight g satisfy the Erdos-Posa property. These results are from joint work with Robin Thomas.

We extend our structural tools to graphs labelled by multiple abelian groups and consider the Erdos-Posa property of cycles whose weights avoid a fixed finite subset in each group. We find three types of topological obstructions and show that they are the only obstructions to the Erdos-Posa property of such cycles. This is a far-reaching generalization of a theorem of Reed that Escher walls are the only obstructions to the Erdos-Posa property of odd cycles. Consequently, we obtain a characterization of the sets of allowable weights in this setting for which the Erdos-Posa property holds for such cycles, unifying a large number of results in this area into a general framework. As a special case, we characterize the integer pairs (L,M) for which cycles of length L mod M satisfy the Erdos-Posa property. This resolves a question of Dejter and Neumann-Lara from 1987. Further, our description of the obstructions allows us to obtain an analogous characterization of the Erdos-Posa property of cycles in graphs embeddable on a fixed compact orientable surface. This is joint work with Pascal Gollin, Kevin Hendrey, O-joung Kwon, and Sang-il Oum.

Zoom link:

Matching problems in hypergraphs

Dissertation Defense
Thursday, June 9, 2022 - 10:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006 (hybrid)
Xiaofan YuanGeorgia Tech

Kühn, Osthus, and Treglown and, independently, Khan proved that if H is a 3-uniform hypergraph on n vertices, where n is a multiple of 3 and large, and the minimum vertex degree of H is greater than {(n-1) choose 2} - {2n/3 choose 2}, then H contains a perfect matching.

We show that for sufficiently large n divisible by 3, if F_1, ..., F_{n/3} are 3-uniform hypergraphs with a common vertex set and the minimum vertex degree in each F_i is greater than {(n-1) choose 2} - {2n/3 choose 2} for i = 1, ..., n/3, then the family {F_1, ..., F_{n/3}} admits a rainbow matching, i.e., a matching consisting of one edge from each F_i. This is done by converting the rainbow matching problem to a perfect matching problem in a special class of uniform hypergraphs.

We also prove that, for any integers k, l with k >= 3 and k/2 < l <= k-1, there exists a positive real μ such that, for all sufficiently large integers m, n satisfying n/k - μn <= m <= n/k - 1 - (1 - l/k){ceil of (k - l)/(2l - k)}, if H is a k-uniform hypergraph on n vertices and the minimum l-degree of H is greater than {(n-l) choose (k-l)} - {(n-l-m) choose (k-l)}, then H has a matching of size m+1. This improves upon an earlier result of Hàn, Person, and Schacht for the range k/2 < l <= k-1.  In many cases, our result gives tight bound on the minimum l-degree of H for near perfect matchings. For example, when l >= 2k/3, n ≡ r (mod k), 0 <= r < k, and r + l >= k, we can take m to be the minimum integer at least n/k - 2.

Zoom link:

Learning Dynamics from Data Using Optimal Transport Techniques and Applications

Dissertation Defense
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Shaojun Ma

Zoom link:

Abstract: In recent years we have seen the popularity of optimal transport and deep learning. Optimal transport theory works well in studying differences among distributions, while deep learning is powerful to analyze high dimensional data. In this presentation we will discuss some of our recent work that combine both optimal transport and deep learning on data-driven problems. We will cover four parts in this presentation. The first part is studying stochastic behavior from aggregate data where we recover the drift term in an SDE, via the weak form of Fokker-Planck equation. The second part is applying Wasserstein distance on the optimal density control problem where we parametrize the control strategy by a neural network. In the third part we will show a novel form of computing Wasserstein distance, geometric and map all together in a scalable way. And in the final part, we consider an inverse OT problem where we recover cost function when an observed policy is given.

On embeddings of 3-manifolds in symplectic 4-manifolds

Dissertation Defense
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 - 12:01 for 1.5 hours (actually 80 minutes)
Skiles 006 and ONLINE (zoom)
Anubhav MukherjeeGeorgia Institute of Technology

Zoom Link- (Meeting ID: 975 6353 7012 Passcode: 525012)


In this talk I will discuss the conjecture that every 3 manifolds can be smoothly embedded in symplectic 4 manifolds. I will give some motivation on why is this an interesting conjecture. As an evidence for the conjecture, I will prove that every 3 manifolds can be embedded in a topological way and such an embedding can be made a smooth one after a single stabilization. As a corollary of the proof, I will prove that integer/rational cobordism group is generated by Stein fillable 3 manifolds. And if time permits, I will give some idea on how one can try to obstruct smooth embeddings of 3 manifolds in symplectic 4 manifolds.

Contact geometric theory of Anosov flows in dimension three

Dissertation Defense
Wednesday, May 25, 2022 - 11:00 for 1.5 hours (actually 80 minutes)
Skiles 005
Surena HozooriGeorgia Institute of Technology

Zoom link :

Since their introduction in the early 1960s, Anosov flows have defined an important class of dynamics, thanks to their many interesting chaotic features and rigidity properties. Moreover, their topological aspects have been deeply explored, in particular in low dimensions, thanks to the use of foliation theory in their study. Although the connection of Anosov flows to contact and symplectic geometry was noted in the mid 1990s by Mitsumatsu and Eliashberg-Thurston, such interplay has been left mostly unexplored. I will present some recent results on the contact and symplectic geometric aspects of Anosov flows in dimension 3, including in the presence of an invariant volume form, which is known to have grave consequences for the dynamics of these flows. Time permitting, the interplay of Anosov flows with Reeb dynamics, Liouville geometry and surgery theory will be briefly discussed as well.

New Numerical and Computational Methods Leveraging Dynamical Systems Theory for Multi-Body Astrodynamics

Dissertation Defense
Wednesday, April 20, 2022 - 12:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005 and ONLINE
Bhanu KumarGeorgia Tech

Online link:

Many proposed interplanetary space missions, including Europa Lander and Dragonfly, involve trajectory design in environments where multiple large bodies exert gravitational influence on the spacecraft, such as the Jovian and Saturnian systems as well as cislu- nar space. In these contexts, an analysis based on the mathematical theory of dynamical systems provides both better insight as well as new tools to use for the mission design compared to classic two-body Keplerian methods. Indeed, a rich variety of dynamical phenomena manifest themselves in such systems, including libration point dynamics, stable and unstable mean-motion resonances, and chaos. To understand the previously mentioned dynamical behaviors, invariant manifolds such as periodic orbits, quasi-periodic invariant tori, and stable/unstable manifolds are the major objects whose interactions govern the local and global dynamics of relevant celestial systems.

This work is focused on the development of numerical methodologies for computing such invariant manifolds and investigating their interactions. After a study of persistence of mean-motion resonances in the planar circular restricted 3-body problem (PCRTBP), techniques for computing the stable/unstable manifolds attached to resonant periodic orbits and heteroclinics corresponding to resonance transitions are presented. Next, I will focus on the development of accurate and efficient parameterization methods for numerical calculation of whiskered quasi-periodic tori and their attached stable/unstable manifolds, for periodically-forced PCRTBP models. As part of this, a method for Levi- Civita regularization of such periodically-forced systems is introduced. Finally, I present methods for combining the previously mentioned parameterizations with knowl- edge of the objects’ internal dynamics, collision detection algorithms, and GPU computing to very rapidly compute propellant-free heteroclinic connecting trajectories between them, even in higher dimensional models. Such heteroclinics are key to the generation of chaos and large scale transport in astrodynamical systems.

Dual representation of polynomial modules with applications to partial differential equations

Dissertation Defense
Friday, April 15, 2022 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006 or ONLINE
Marc HärkönenGeorgia Tech

In 1939, Wolfgang Gröbner proposed using differential operators to represent ideals in a polynomial ring. Using Macaulay inverse systems, he showed a one-to-one correspondence between primary ideals whose variety is a rational point, and finite dimensional vector spaces of differential operators with constant coefficients. The question for general ideals was left open. Significant progress was made in the 1960's by analysts, culminating in a deep result known as the Ehrenpreis-Palamodov fundamental principle, connecting polynomial ideals and modules to solution sets of linear, homogeneous partial differential equations with constant coefficients. 

This talk aims to survey classical results, and provide new constructions, applications, and insights, merging concepts from analysis and nonlinear algebra. We offer a new formulation generalizing Gröbner's duality for arbitrary polynomial ideals and modules and connect it to the analysis of PDEs. This framework is amenable to the development of symbolic and numerical algorithms. We also study some applications of algebraic methods in problems from analysis.


Optimal Motion Planning and Computational Optimal Transport

Dissertation Defense
Friday, April 8, 2022 - 13:00 for
Skiles 006
Haodong SunGeorgia Institute of Technology

In this talk, we focus on designing computational methods supported by theoretical properties for optimal motion planning and optimal transport (OT). 

Over the past decades, motion planning has attracted large amount of attention in robotics applications. Given certain
configurations in the environment, the objective is to find trajectories which move the robot from one position to the other while satisfying given constraints. We introduce a new method to produce smooth and collision-free trajectories for motion planning task. The proposed model leads to short and smooth trajectories with advantages in numerical computation. We design an efficient algorithm which can be generalized to robotics applications with multiple robots.

The idea of optimal transport naturally arises from many application scenarios and provides powerful tools for comparing probability measures in various types. However, obtaining the optimal plan is generally a computationally-expensive task, sometimes even intractable. We start with the entropy transport problem as a relaxed version of original optimal transport problem with soft marginals, and propose an efficient algorithm to obtain the sample approximation for the optimal plan. We also study an inverse problem of OT and present the computational methods for learning the cost function from the given optimal transport plan. 
