Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Nonlinear Science Webminar - Multiple Time Scale Dynamics in Chemical Oscillators

Other Talks
Monday, December 6, 2010 - 10:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Physics Howey 501
Chris ScheperCenter for Applied Mathematics, Cornell University
Dynamical systems with multiple time scales have invariant geometric objects that organize the dynamics in phase space. The slow-fast structure of the dynamical system leads to phenomena such as canards, mixed-mode oscillations, and bifurcation delay. We'll discuss two projects involving chemical oscillators. The first is the analysis of a simple chemical model that exhibits complex oscillations. Its bifurcations are studied using a geometric reduction of the system to a one-dimensional induced map. The second investigates the slow-fast mechanisms generating mixed-mode oscillations in a model of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction. A mechanism called dynamic Hopf bifurcation is responsible for shaping the dynamics of the system. This webminar will be broadcast on (register, start EVO, webminar link is )

Sequences of problems, matrices, and solutions

Other Talks
Friday, November 12, 2010 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Klaus 1447
Eric de SturlerDepartment of Mathematics, Virginia Tech
In a wide range of applications, we deal with long sequences of slowly changing matrices or large collections of related matrices and corresponding linear algebra problems. Such applications range from the optimal design of structures to acoustics and other parameterized systems, to inverse and parameter estimation problems in tomography and systems biology, to parameterization problems in computer graphics, and to the electronic structure of condensed matter. In many cases, we can reduce the total runtime significantly by taking into account how the problem changes and recycling judiciously selected results from previous computations. In this presentation, I will focus on solving linear systems, which is often the basis of other algorithms. I will introduce the basics of linear solvers and discuss relevant theory for the fast solution of sequences or collections of linear systems. I will demonstrate the results on several applications and discuss future research directions.

Branched Covers in Contact Geometry

Other Talks
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 - 12:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 269
Meredith CaseySchool of Mathematics, Georgia Tech

Please Note: This talk will be the oral examination for Meredith Casey.

I will first discuss the motivation and background information necessary to study the subjects of branched covers and of contact geometry. In particular we will give some examples and constructions of topological branched covers as well as present the fundamental theorems in this area. But little is understood about the general constructions, and even less about how branched covers behave in the setting of contact geometry, which is the focus of my research. The remainder of the talk will focus on the results I have thus far and current projects.

Public Lecture - Celebration of Mind - The Mathematics, Magic & Mystery of Martin Gardner

Other Talks
Thursday, October 21, 2010 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Klaus 1456
Colm MulcahySpelman College
Martin Gardner (1914-2010) "brought more mathematics to more millions than anyone else,"  according to Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John H. Conway & Richard K. Guy. Who was this man, how was he so influential, and will his legacy matter in the 22nd century? We'll try to answer these questions.This event is part of a one-day global celebration of the life of Martin Gardner. See for information on Atlanta's Celebration of Mind party.

Joint ACO/OR Colloquium - Generalized intersection cuts and a new cut generating paradigm

Other Talks
Tuesday, October 12, 2010 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Executive classroom - Main Building
Egon BalasCarnegie Mellon University

Please Note: Hosted by Renato DC Monteiro, ISyE.

Intersection cuts are generated from a polyhedral cone and a convex set S whose interior contains no feasible integer point. We generalize these cuts by replacing the cone with a more general polyhedron C. The resulting generalized intersection cuts dominate the original ones. This leads to a new cutting plane paradigm under which one generates and stores the intersection points of the extreme rays of C with the boundary of S rather than the cuts themselves. These intersection points can then be used to generate deeper cuts in a non-recursive fashion. (This talk is based on joint work with Francois Margot.)

ACO/OR Colloquium - Advances in multistage optimization

Other Talks
Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
ISyE Executive Classroom
Dimitris BertsimasOperations Research/Statistics, Sloan School of Management, MIT
In this presentation, we show a significant role that symmetry, a fundamental concept in convex geometry, plays in determining the power of robust and finitely adaptable solutions in multi-stage stochastic and adaptive optimization problems. We consider a fairly general class of multi-stage mixed integer stochastic and adaptive optimization problems and propose a good approximate solution policy with performance guarantees that depend on the geometric properties such as symmetry of the uncertainty sets. In particular, we show that a class of finitely adaptable solutions is a good approximation for both the multi-stage stochastic as well as the adaptive optimization problem. A finitely adaptable solution specifies a small set of solutions for each stage and the solution policy implements the best solution from the given set depending on the realization of the uncertain parameters in the past stages. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first approximation results for the multi-stage problem in such generality. (Joint work with Vineet Goyal, Columbia University and Andy Sun, MIT.)

Applying for Graduate School

Other Talks
Monday, September 13, 2010 - 16:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 269
Michael LaceyGT
The why and how of applying to graduate school, with examples of different opportunities drawn from the past 10 years of undergraduate mathematics majors that have gone on to programs in EE, Physics, Applied Math, Statistics, Math, and even Public Policy. Useful for all undergraduate math majors. This is part of the regular Club Math meetings.

Theory/ACO Seminar - Matching in Lopsided Bipartite Graphs and a New Matching Polytope

Other Talks
Friday, August 20, 2010 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Klaus 1447
Kamal JainMicrosoft Research, Redmond, WA

Please Note: This talk should be non-technical except the last few slides. The talk is based on a work done in collaboration with Denis Charles, Max Chickering, Nikhil Devanur, and Manan Sanghi, all from Microsoft.

Lopsided bipartite graphs naturally appear in advertising setting. One side is all the eyeballs and the other side is all the advertisers. An edge is when an advertiser wants to reach an eyeball, aka, ad targeting. Such a bipartite graph is lopsided because there are only a small number of advertisers but a large number of eyeballs. We give algorithms which have running time proportional to the size of the smaller side, i.e., the number of advertisers. One of the main ideas behind our algorithm and as well as the analysis is a property, which we call, monotonic quality bounds. Our algorithm is flexible as it could easily be adapted for different kinds of objective functions. Towards the end of the talk we will describe a new matching polytope. We show that our matching polytope is not only a new linear program describing the classical matching polytope, but is a new polytope together with a new linear program. This part of the talk is still theoretical as we only know how to solve the new linear program via an ellipsoid algorithm. One feature of the polytope, besides being intriguing, is that it has some notion of fairness built in. This is important for advertising since if an advertiser wants to reach 10 million users of type A or type B, advertiser won't necessarily be happy if we show the ad to 10 million users of type A only (though it fulfills the advertising contract in a technical sense).

Additive Combinatorics Mini-Conference

Other Talks
Saturday, June 26, 2010 - 11:00 for 6 hours
Skiles 169
Various speakersGeorgia Tech
This mini-conference will feature about six speakers on various topics in additive combinatorics.
