Applied and Biological Contemporary Mathematics Program

The Applied & Biological Contemporary (ABC) Mathematics program is intended to foster and promote interdisciplinary research linking mathematics with the life sciences. It is also intended to be supportive of other College and Institute initiatives - specifically the emerging Integrative Biological Systems thrust. Due to its clear interdisciplinary focus, the success of the ABC program will come from clear and effective communications and research partnerships with our life sciences colleagues.

A broad range of faculty from the School of Mathematics is affiliated with the ABC program, and this is expected in time to extend to faculty from other units on campus.

The ABC program will support:

  • A research seminar in Mathematical Biology and Ecology
  • Conferences and Workshops
  • Graduate student support

Administrative support for the ABC program will be provided by the School of Mathematics.


Affiliated Faculty



Leonid A. Bunimovich, Regents' Professor
Director, ABC Math
Georgia Tech
Atlanta, GA 30332-0160
phone: (404) 894-4748
fax: (404) 894-4409