Graduate Student Activities

Here is a selection of the main activities organized by the graduate students in the School of Math. All students are welcome and encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities. If you would like to help out with any of these efforts please contact the organizers listed below. To update or enhance the information on this page, please contact the Grad Director or send an email to


High School Math Day

This event brings the Institute and local high schools together for a day of mathematics and fun. Volunteers from the School of Math's student body, faculty, and staff welcome the participants to campus, run the event, and present the top students in the competition with scholarships to attend Georgia Tech.  The 2024 event was organized by Daniel Hwang and Aiya Kuchukova.


AMS Grad Student Chapter

American Mathematical Society's Graduate Student Chapters enhance opportunities for students to make contacts with students and faculty at their own or other institutions, interact with more established mathematicians, discover career opportunities, sponsor social functions for the mathematical community, find assistance for attending AMS meetings, and engage in outreach efforts to local middle and high schools. Current organizers of the Chapter are listed below.

  President: Chris DuPre 

  Vice President: James Anderson

  Secretary: Daniel Minahan

  Treasurer: Abishek Dhawan


SIAM Student Chapter 

Chapters of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) are organized at colleges and universities to encourage the promotion of applied mathematics and computational science to young mathematicians. Student chapters provide opportunities to share ideas, learn about careers in applied and computational mathematics, and develop networks with faculty and fellow students.​ The officers for the 2022-2023 academic year are Xiaonan Liu, Biraj Dahal, Daniyar Omarov, and Yijie Jin.


Association for Women in Math Chapter

The purpose of the Association for Women in Mathematics is to encourage women and girls to study and to have active careers in the mathematical sciences, and to promote equal opportunity and the equal treatment of women and girls in the mathematical sciences. This chapter was started in 2016 by Cvetelina Hill and Samantha Petti.  The current officers are Katherine Booth and Roberta Shapiro.


Research Horizons Seminar 

These are weekly seminars run by graduate students in which faculty give talks aimed primarily at first and second year graduate students. It is an ideal place to learn about what type of research is going on in the department and possibly find an advisor. Also, free pizza will be offered every week. The organizer for the 2023-2024 year is Yanbo Wang.


Graduate Student Brainstorming Sessions

What should you do when you find yourself stuck in research?  The brainstorming sessions provide a venue for students to bring their stories to a larger audience, either to seek guidance from fellow graduate students or to explain how they eventually solved a past problem. Molei Tao serves as the faculty liaison for the sessions.


Graduate Student Colloquium

The Graduate Student Colloquium is a bimonthly colloquium for graduate students to share their research and research interests with a broad audience. The purposes of the colloquium are to facilitate more inter-area discussions and, for new graduate students, to provide some insight into what each broad research group is doing. The current organizers are Abhishek Dhawan, Trevor Gunn and Roberta Shapiro. Please reach out if you are interested in speaking!


Graduate Student Council

The Graduate Student Council is a body of graduate students who help advise the Graduate Student Committee on ways to improve the graduate student experience in the School of Math. The council is led by a Graduate Student representative who sits in on Graduate Student Commitee meetings and advocates for policies directly to the committee. In addition, the Council seeks to enact programs within the department to improve the experience of every student. Please send any suggestions about ways you believe we can improve the department to the current Graduate Student Representative (currently or any other council member. The current members of the Graduate Student council are Griffin Edwards (representative,, James Anderson (, Sierra Knavel (, and Daniel Minahan (