Masters Programs

The School of Math houses four different types of Master's programs, each with their own curricular requirements, as described below. Completion of the MS degree takes about one to two years depending on the course load. Please also note that all MS students must satisfy the general requirements for MS degree, described in the GT Catalogue.


The MS in Mathematics, offered by the School of Math, provides opportunities for study in a wide range of mathematical disciplines, and is meant to provide a rigorous introduction to graduate-level mathematics. The School's general advisor for MS Math students is Dr. Chris Jankowski.


The CSE masters program is an interdisciplinary program aimed at students wanting to enrich their exposure to modern computational techniques of use in engineering and the applied sciences. The School's lead advisor and coordinator for the CSE program in Professor Sung Ha Kang.


The main objective of the MS degree program in QCF is to provide students with the practical skills and theoretical understanding they need to be leaders in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of the models used by the financial sector to structure transactions, manage risk and construct investment strategies.


The School of Math together with the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering offer graduate work leading to an MS degree with an emphasis on statistics as a science applicable in a technological environment. The School's lead advisor and coordinator for the MS Stat program is Associate Professor Mayya Zhilova.


Secondary MS degree

Graduate students in other Georgia Tech units may wish to obtain a Masters degree from the School of Math as a secondary MS degree. To do so:

(1) The student must first complete at least 15 credits (of the 30 required credits) towards the secondary MS degree.  For the MS Math, these 15 credits should include at least 3 courses at the 6000-7000 level with the "Math" designation that will apply to the MS Math degree.
(2) After this, the student may contact Dr. Chris Jankowski by email, listing the courses taken towards the degree. If the student is approved to add the degree, they will be directed to complete a Change of Level form.

Students wishing to add a secondary MS degree in the School of Math should keep in mind that we will not be able to provide office space or any other type of logistic or financial support, and, as noted above, we cannot consider a request to add a secondary MS until at least 15 credits towards the degree have been completed.


Transfer to the PhD Program

From the Fall 2024 semester onward, MS students in the School of Math who wish to transfer into the PhD Mathematics program must apply formally through the Georgia Tech application system.  MS students who enrolled in a School of Math program prior to Fall 2024 may consult with


Graduation Forms and Procedures

During the semester before they graduate, MS Math and MS STAT students should discuss their course plan with Dr. Chris Jankowski to ensure that they have all the necessary courses to graduate on time. MS-CSE students should see the bottom of the MS-CSE Page for their relevant form and procedure. PhD students who intend to collect an MS degree along the way, also need to fill out the Change of Level Form to add the MS degree. Finally, students should petition to graduate by filling out the Online Application for Graduation (make sure that the "Graduate" tab is selected on the top of this page). The deadline for petitioning to graduate in a given semester is usually at the beginning of that semester (see the GT Calendar for the precise date). In general students need to be registered for the semester in which they wish to graduate; however, if they have already satisfied all degree requirements, then they may be exempted from registration by filing out the Enrollment Waiver Form.