Current Students

The one stop shop for all information concerning graduate studies is the Graduate Programs page. In particular, Doctoral Programs and Masters Programs pages describe the graduation requirements and procedures for all graduate students. Some frequently used links on these pages and other useful info are as follows.


Guidance for New Students

These slides are prepared for new students to provide advice and guidance about their arrival on campus, requirements for various programs, course selection, registration issues, and what to do the first year on campus.


Current Students FAQ

Answers to frequently asked questions, including registration issues, oral exams, travel support, graduation procedures, and visa issues, are listed here. All current students would be well-advised to take a look.


GAANN Fellowships

The School of Mathematics has been awarded a grant by the U.S. Department of Education for Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN).  The Principal Investigator for the project is Xingxing Yu, and the Project Lead is Chris Jankowski.  Our GAANN website contains details about the fellowship, eligibility criteria, and a link to the application.  If you have any questions, please reach out to


Funding Sources and Teaching Assistantships

All PhD students in the School of Math receive a tuition waiver as well as funding in the form of a Teaching Assistantship (or equivalent) or Research Assistantship, so prospective students do not need to separately apply for funding from the School of Math.  The stipend for PhD students is roughly $29,000 for 12 months.  Graduate students supported by Teaching Assistantships receive vacation during the times between the Fall and Spring semester, and also during the times between the Spring and Summer semesters and between the Summer and Fall semesters.  For those students with Research Assistantships, vacation times are to be discussed with the sponsor of the funding.

For more information on demographics, admissions, and time-to-degree for doctoral students in our program, go to Doctoral Student Statistics.  Enter the search criteria for any of the School of Math's doctoral programs there.

Additional information about Graduate Assistantships, fellowships, loans, and off-campus employment options is available on the Office of Graduate Studies site.

Our PhD graduates pursue a variety of careers in academia and industry.  We maintain a list of PhD alumni and their post-graduation employment at our PhD Alumni page.


Faculty Contacts List

At times, a graduate student may wish to discuss a personal matter with a faculty member aside of their advisor. This may concern a wide variety of possibilities, ranging from an uncomfortable situation or possibly inappropriate behavior in the workplace, to seeking professional advice to point in the right direction. Some of our faculty members have volunteered to serve as contacts. Our faculty contacts page lists these faculty.


Student Activities

Graduate students in the School of Math organize student chapters of AMS, SIAM, and AWM, engage in outreach activities such as the High School Math Competition, and provide other valuable service including running the Research Horizon Seminars or participating in the Graduate Student Council. Please contact the organizers listed for these events to help with these efforts.


Comprehensive Exams

The comprehensive exams, or comps, for each of our doctoral programs have both a written and an oral part. Please refer to the corresponding pages in the Doctoral Programs for specific information on the format of the comps for these degrees. The links below are concerned with Math comps.


Dissertation and Graduation

Comprehensive information on the defense of the PhD thesis, as well as all the forms and procedures required for graduation are available on the Dissertation and Graduation page. Some related links are:


Teaching Assistants and Instructors


Graduate Student Fellowships


Internships and Employment Opportunities


Personal Support


Other Useful Links and Info