Thesis defense: Invariance of random matrix

Thursday, May 12, 2022 - 10:00am for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
JunTao Duan – Georgia institute of technology –
Juntao Duan

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Random matrix has been found useful in many real world applications. The celebrated Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma states that certain geometric structure of deterministic vectors is preserved when projecting high dimensional space $R^n$ to a lower dimensional space $R^m$. However, when random vectors are concerned, it is still unclear how the distribution of the geometry is affected by random matrices. Since random projection or embedding introduces dependence to independent random vectors, does it imply random matrices are inferior for transforming random vectors?

We will start with establishing a new  central limit theorem  for random variables with certain product dependence structure. At the same time, we obtain its Berry-Esseen type rate of convergence. Then we apply this general central limit theorem to random projections and embeddings of two independent random vectors $X, Z$. In particular, we show the distribution of inner product structure is preserved by random matrices. Roughly speaking, two independent random vectors remain "independent" in the randomly projected lower dimensional space or randomly embedded high dimensional space. More importantly, we also quantitatively characterize the distortion of distribution introduced by random matrices. The error term has a bound at most $O(\frac{1}{\sqrt{m}} + \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}})$. 

Then we also establish the fact that random matrices have low distortion on the norm of a random vector. It is first justified by establishing concentration of the projected or embedded norm under sub-Gaussian assumptions. A central limit theorem for the randomly projected norm is established as well similar to the CLT for inner product.