Linear and Discrete Mathematics

Course Number: 
Hours - Lecture: 
Hours - Lab: 
Hours - Recitation: 
Hours - Total Credit: 
Typical Scheduling: 
Not offered after Summer 2015

The course is being replaced in Fall 2015 by the equivalent course MATH 2603, Intro to Discrete Math. Mathematical logic and proof, mathematical induction, counting methods, recurrence relations, algorithms and complexity, graph theory and graph algorithms.

Course Text: 

Goodaire-Parmenter, Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory, 3rd ed.

Topic Outline: 
Topic Text Sections Lectures
Foundations - compound statements, proofs, sets, relations, functions 0.1-0.2, 2.1-2.4 11
Algorithms - division algorithm, Euclidean algorithm, congruence, induction, recursion, algorithms, complexity, searching and sorting 4.1-4.5, 5.1-5.3, 8.1-8.3 11
Counting - inclusion/exclusion principle, addition and multiplication rules, pigeonhole principle, permutations, combinations, repetitions, binomial theorem 6.1-6.3, 7.1-7.5, 7.7 11
Graph theory - isomorphism, Eulerian paths, Hamiltonian paths, Dijkstra's algorithm, trees, Kruskal's algorithm, planar graphs, chromatic number 9.1-9.3, 10.1-10.2, 10.4, 12.1-12.3, 14.1-14.2 11