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This is the second of a two-semester sequence that develops basic probability concepts and models for working with financial markets and derivative securities. Continuous-time parameter stochastic processes are emphasized in this course. Mathematical concepts are introduced as needed.
Course Text:
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Topic Outline:
- Background on integration and on simulation
- Brownian Motion, and Continuous-Time Martingales and their Variation
- The Ito Stochastic Integral and its Properties, and Ito's Change-of-Variable Formula
- Stock Prices as Geometric Brownian Motions
- Black-Scholes Option Pricing
- Ito Processes and Stochastic Differential Equations
- Continuous-Time Markov Processes and the Kolmogorov Equations
- Additional Results on Black-Scholes Option Pricing
- Girsanov's Theorem for Change of Measure, and Martingale Representation Theorems
- Asset Pricing theory, Risk Neutral Measures (Equivalent Martingale Measures), and Hedging
- Pricing Specific Exotic Options
- Continuous-Time Optimal Stopping and Pricing American Style Options