2013 Stelson Lecture - Cedric Villani

April 19, 2013 | Atlanta, GA

The 2013 speaker is Dr. Cedric Villani, director of the Henri Poincare Institute in Paris. He is a French mathematician working primarily on partial differential equations and mathematical physics. He was awarded the Fields Medal in 2010 for his work on Landau damping and the Boltzmann equation. His main research interests are in kinetic theory (Boltzmann and Vlasov equations and their variants), and optimal transport and its applications, a field in which he wrote two reference books: Topics in Optimal Transportation (2003); Optimal Transport, Old and New (2008).

There will be two lectures. The math lecture will be at 11:05 am on April 19 in Skiles 005. The other one (for a general audience) will be on April 22, at 4:00 pm, in Klaus 1116.



Lecture 1: Mathematics Lecture

From Optimal Transport to Fully Nonlinear PDE to Regularity to Nonsmooth Geometry

This talk explains how the solution to a regularity/geometry problem arising from a question of optimization has led to unexpected new results in the well-established field of the analysis of cut loci.

Lecture 2: General Audience

Riemann, Boltzmann and Kantorovich go to a party

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This talk is the story of an encounter of three distinct fields: non-Euclidean geometry, gas dynamics and economics. Some of the most fundamental mathematical tools behind these theories appear to have a close connection, which was revealed around the turn of the 21st century, and has developed strikingly since then.