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October 24, 2018
| Atlanta, GA
A special issue of the journal Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A has been dedicated to Prof. Rafael de la Llave.
The issue 38-12 of the journal Discrete and Continuos Dynamical Systems-A contains the proceedings of the international conference LLAVEFEST, which was celebrated June, 2017 in Barcelona. The conference was devoted to the interface of dynamics and partial differential equations and applications.
The goal of the conference was to present new advances in different aspects on Dynamical Systems and Partial Differential Equations.
There were 151 participants in attendance.
Topics covered included:
- Dynamical systems and ergodic theory
- Global dynamics in Hamiltonian systems
- KAM theory
- Arnol'd diffusion
- PDEs and their applications
- Lattice systems
- Action-minimizing orbits and measures
- Invariant manifold theory
- Hyperbolic systems
- Renormalization group methods
The main goal of the conference was bringing together many researchers from different disciplines, who presented high level talks. The conference also served as a celebration of Prof. de la Llave 60th birthday.
Several of the presentations in the conference have been written up, refereed for correctness and relevance, and gathered in a special volume of Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A.
Prof. de la Llave and Prof. C. Zeng have been editors of the journal for several years.
Conference website:
Preface of Llavefest:
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A Issue 38-12: