Tutors and Labs

Starting Fall 2024 the School of Mathematics is offering two options for extra help for most 1000-3000 level classes. Students have the option for either drop-in tutoring at the Math Lab with no appointment necessary, or by making an appointment for 1-on-1 or small group tutoring with UTAs. 


Math Lab

The Math Lab opens one week after classes begin and closes the Tuesday before finals begin in the fall and spring semesters. Summer semester days and hours will vary. The School of Mathematics offers free tutorial help in the Math Lab for the following courses: 1113, 1550, 1551, 1552, 1553, 1554, 1555, 1564, 1711, 1712, 2550, 2551, 2552, 2106, 2603, 2802, 3012, 3215, and 3670.

Free “drop-in” help is available in the Math Lab. The Math Lab is staffed by math Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs). 


1-on-1 and Small Group Tutoring with UTAs

The School of Mathematics is happy to announce a new tutoring service providing support for the following 1000-2000 level courses:

MATH 1113 MATH 1551 MATH 1552 MATH 1553 MATH 1554
MATH 1711 MATH 1712 MATH 2550 MATH 2551 MATH 2552

This service is staffed by the Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UTAs). Each UTA will hold an Office Hour in Skiles 230 and will be bookable for 30-minute appointments. Appointments can be booked with any UTA by appointment here: UTA Tutoring and will be located in Skiles 230.

Student Guidelines
  • Each student is limited to two sessions per week.
  • You can sign up for two back-to-back sessions if you want to meet with a UTA longer than 30 minutes.
  • You can sign up with any UTA that is listed for your subject.
  • Each session must be booked at least two hours in advance.
  • There are no walk-in appointments except as advertised by your section's UTA. Students seeking immediate help should go to the Math Lab in Clough 280.
  • You are allowed to attend a session in a small group of no more than three students. Only one student needs to schedule the appointment and should indicate this in the booking details.
  • If you know you will be unable to attend your session, please cancel your appointment as soon as possible so that another student can schedule an appointment during that time slot.
  • After each appointment, please complete the Post Session Survey which will be emailed to you and can be found here.


 Any questions about the Math Lab can be directed to mathlab@gatech.edu. 

Other Campus Tutoring and Academic Support