Prasad Tetali appointed Regents' Professor

October 11, 2017 | Atlanta, GA

Recently the Board of Regents' Committee on Academic Affairs has approved the appointment of Dr Prasad Tetali as Regents’ Professor.

Congratulations to Prasad for this very well-deserved honor! 

The nomination emphasized that ``Prasad has distinguished himself across research, teaching and leadership’’, and further noted ``We do not know how he finds time to do it all, but Prasad is a model citizen in addition to being a prolific and influential researcher and a dedicated teacher and mentor.''
As noted in the USG policy manual, Regents’ Professorships may be granted by the Board of Regents to outstanding faculty members of the Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of Georgia, the Medical College of Georgia, Georgia State University, and, in special circumstances approved by the Board, other USG institutions.