- Series
- School of Mathematics Colloquium
- Time
- Monday, February 8, 2016 - 4:00pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
- Location
- Skiles 005
- Speaker
- Jesus De Loera – University of California, Davis
- Organizer
- Greg Blekherman
Convex analysis and geometry are tools fundamental to the foundations of
several applied areas (e.g., optimization, control theory, probability
and statistics), but at the same time convexity intersects in lovely
ways with topics considered pure (e.g., algebraic geometry,
representation theory and of course number theory). For several years I
have been interested interested on how convexity relates to lattices and
discrete subsets of Euclidean space. This is part of mathematics H.
Minkowski named in 1910 "Geometrie der Zahlen''. In this talk I will
use two well-known results, Caratheodory's & Helly's theorems, to
explain my most recent work on lattice points on convex sets.
The talk is for everyone! It is designed for non-experts and grad
students should understand the key ideas. All new theorems are joint
work with subsets of the following mathematicians I. Aliev, C. O'Neill,
R. La Haye, D. Rolnick, and P. Soberon.