Absence of shocks in Euler-Maxwell system for two-fluid models in plasma

School of Mathematics Colloquium
Thursday, April 23, 2015 - 11:01am for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Yan Guo – Brown University
Zhiwu Lin
As the cornerstone of two-fluid models in plasma theory, Euler-Maxwell (Euler-Poisson) system describes the dynamics of compressible ion and electron fluids interacting with their own self-consistent electromagnetic field. It is also the origin of many famous dispersive PDE such as KdV, NLS, Zakharov, ...etc. The electromagnetic interaction produces plasma frequencies which enhance the dispersive effect, so that smooth initial data with small amplitude will persist forever for the Euler-Maxwell system, suppressing any possible shock formation. This is in stark contrast to the classical Euler system for a compressible neutral fluid, for which shock waves will develop even for small smooth initial data. A survey along this direction for various two-fluid models will be given during this talk.