- Series
- PDE Seminar
- Time
- Tuesday, January 25, 2011 - 2:00pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
- Location
- Skiles 006
- Speaker
- Dr. Suleyman Ulusoy – University of Maryland
- Organizer
- Ronghua Pan
Please Note: Note the unusual time and room
We investigate the long-time behavior of weak solutions to the
thin-film type equation
$$v_t =(xv - vv_{xxx})_x\ ,$$
which arises in the Hele-Shaw problem. We estimate the rate of
convergence of solutions to
the Smyth-Hill equilibrium solution, which has the form
$\frac{1}{24}(C^2-x^2)^2_+$, in the norm
$$|| f ||_{m,1}^2 = \int_{\R}(1+ |x|^{2m})|f(x)|^2\dd x +
\int_{\R}|f_x(x)|^2\dd x\ .$$
We obtain exponential convergence in the $|\!|\!| \cdot
|\!|\!|_{m,1}$ norm for all $m$ with $1\leq m< 2$, thus obtaining
rates of convergence in norms measuring both smoothness and
localization. The localization is the main novelty, and in fact, we
show that there is a close
connection between the localization bounds and the smoothness
bounds: Convergence of second moments implies convergence in the
$H^1$ Sobolev norm. We then use methods of optimal mass
transportation to obtain the convergence of the required moments.
We also use such methods to construct an appropriate class of weak
solutions for which all of the estimates on which our convergence
analysis depends may be rigorously derived. Though our main results
on convergence can be stated without reference to optimal mass
essential use of this theory is made throughout our analysis.This is a joint work with Eric A. Carlen.