Back to boundaries in billiards

CDSNS Colloquium
Friday, April 29, 2022 - 1:00pm for
Zoom Link:
Yaofeng Su – SoM, GT –
Yaofeng Su

Abstract: This talk has 4 or 5 parts

  1. I will start with a physical toy model to introduce billiards/open billiards, which describe the dynamics of a particle in a compact manifold/in a particular open area of this manifold.

  2. One of the main questions of open billiards is Poisson approximations. It describes the asymptotic behavior of the dynamics in statistical distributions.  I will define it for billiards systems.

  3. The main result is that such approximations hold for a billiard system that has arbitrarily slow chaos.

  4. I will sketch the idea of the proof.

  5. If time permits, I will talk about the connection between this work and riemann hypothesis.

This is a joint work with Prof. Leonid Bunimovich.