Some game theoretic issues in Nash bargaining

ACO Student Seminar
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 - 1:30pm for 2 hours
ISyE Executive Classroom
Lei Wang – ACO Student, School of Mathematics, Georgia Tech
Annette Rohrs
Nash bargaining was first modeled in John Nash's seminal 1950 paper. In his paper, he used a covex program to give the Nash bargaining solution, which satifies many nature properties. Recently, V.Vazirani defined a class of Nash bargaining problem as Uniform Nash Bargaining(UNB) and also defined a subclass called Submodular Nash Bargaining (SNB). In this talk, we will consider some game theoretic issues of UNB: (1) price of bargaining; (2) fully competitiveness; (3) min-max and max-min fairness and we show that each of these properties characterizes the subclass SNB.