The Toric regulator

Algebra Seminar
Monday, April 23, 2018 - 3:00pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Amnon Besser – Georgia Tech/Ben-Gurion University – amnon.besser@gmail.com
Amnon Besser
The talk reports on joint work with Wayne Raskind and concerns the conjectural definition of a new type of regulator map into a quotient of an algebraic torus by a discrete subgroup, that should fit in "refined" Beilinson type conjectures, exteding special cases considered by Gross and Mazur-Tate.The construction applies to a smooth complete variety over a p-adic field K which has totally degenerate reduction, a technical term roughly saying that cycles acount for the entire etale cohomology of each component of the special fiber. The regulator is constructed out of the l-adic regulators for all primes l simulateously. I will explain the construction, the special case of the Tate elliptic curve where the regulator on cycles is the identity map, and the case of K_2 of Mumford curves, where the regulator turns out to be a map constructed by Pal. Time permitting I will also say something about the relation with syntomic regulators.