Enumeration of special divisors on graphs

Algebra Seminar
Monday, November 11, 2024 - 11:30am for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Nathan Pflueger – Amherst College
Changxin Ding

Please Note: There will be a pre-seminar at 10:55 am.

Young tableaux arise in the enumerative geometry of linear series on curves in formulas for the Chow class and the holomorphic Euler characteristic of Brill--Noether varieties. I will discuss an intriguing tropical generalization of these two facts: the formulas for Chow class and Euler characteristic of Brill--Noether loci on a general curve occur in the first and last terms of the Ehrhart polynomial of the tropical Brill--Noether loci on a chain of loops. I will speculate on some generalizations and algebraic analogs of this calculation.