- Series
- Algebra Seminar
- Time
- Monday, April 6, 2020 - 3:00pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
- Location
- Skiles 005
- Speaker
- Trevor Gunn – Georgia Tech – tgunn@gatech.edu – http://people.math.gatech.edu/~tgunn8/
- Organizer
- Yoav Len
The main goal of this talk is to discuss my proof of a multiplicity formula for polynomials over a real valued field. I also want to talk about some of the raisons d’être for hyperfields and polynomials over hyperfields. This talk is based on my paper “A Newton Polygon Rule for Formally-Real Valued Fields and Multiplicities over the Signed Tropical Hyperfield” which is in turn based on a paper of Matt Baker and Oliver Lorscheid “Descartes' rule of signs, Newton polygons, and polynomials over hyperfields.”
The talk will be held online via Bluejeans. Use the following link to join the meeting.