Absolute continuity and the Banach-Zaretsky Theorem

Analysis Seminar
Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - 3:30pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
ONLINE (Zoom link in abstract)
Chris Heil – Georgia Tech – heil@math.gatech.edu
Benjamin Jaye

This talk is based on a chapter that I wrote for a book in honor of John Benedetto's 80th birthday.  Years ago, John wrote a text "Real Variable and Integration", published in 1976.  This was not the text that I first learned real analysis from, but it became an important reference for me.  A later revision and expansion by John and Wojtek Czaja appeared in 2009.  Eventually, I wrote my own real analysis text, aimed at students taking their first course in measure theory.  My goal was that each proof was to be both rigorous and enlightening.  I failed (in the chapters on differentiation and absolute continuity).  I will discuss the real analysis theorem whose proof I find the most difficult and unenlightening.  But I will also present the Banach-Zaretsky Theorem, which I first learned from John's text.  This is an elegant but often overlooked result, and by using it I (re)discovered enlightening proofs of theorems whose standard proofs are technical and difficult.  This talk will be a tour of the absolutely fundamental concept of absolute continuity from the viewpoint of the Banach-Zaretsky Theorem.

Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/71579248210?pwd=d2VPck1CbjltZStURWRWUUgwTFVLZz09