Stable phase retrieval for infinite dimensional subspaces of L_2(R)

Analysis Seminar
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - 1:55pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Daniel Freeman – St. Louis University – daniel.freeman@slu.edu
Chris Heil

 The problem of phase retrieval for a set of functions $H$ can be thought of as being able to identify a function $f\in H$ or $-f\in H$ from the absolute value $|f|$.  Phase retrieval for a set of functions is called stable if when $|f|$ and $|g|$ are close then $f$ is proportionally close to $g$ or $-g$.  That is, we say that a set $H\subseteq L_2({\mathbb R})$ does stable phase retrieval if there exists a constant $C>0$ so that
$$\min\big(\big\|f-g\big\|_{L_2({\mathbb R})},\big\|f+g\big\|_{L_2({\mathbb R})}\big)\leq C \big\| |f|-|g| \big\|_{L_2({\mathbb R})} \qquad\textrm{ for all }f,g\in H.
 It is known that phase retrieval for finite dimensional spaces is always stable.  On the other hand, phase retrieval for infinite dimensional spaces using a frame or a continuous frame is always unstable.  We prove that there exist infinite dimensional subspaces of $L_2({\mathbb R})$ which do stable phase retrieval.  This is joint work with Robert Calderbank, Ingrid Daubechies, and Nikki Freeman.