- Series
- Time
- Thursday, September 30, 2021 - 3:00pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
- Location
- Hybrid (online + Skiles 005)
- Speaker
- Andy Zucker – University of California, San Diego – azucker@ucsd.edu – https://ajzucker.wordpress.com/
- Organizer
- Anton Bernshteyn
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84598656431?pwd=UGN5QmJZdnE2MktpM005bFZFK29Gdz09
By a theorem of Ben-Yaacov, Melleray, and Tsankov, whenever $G$ is a Polish group with metrizable universal minimal flow $M(G)$, then $M(G)$ must contain a comeager orbit. This has the following peculiar consequence: If $G$ is a Polish group and $X$ is some minimal metrizable $G$-flow with all orbits meager, then there must exist some non-metrizable minimal $G$-flow. So given such an $X$, can we use $X$ directly in order to construct a non-metrizable minimal $G$-flow? This talk will discuss such a construction, thus providing a new proof of the Generic Point Problem.