- Series
- CDSNS Colloquium
- Time
- Friday, September 23, 2022 - 3:30pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
- Location
- Online via Zoom
- Speaker
- Alessandra Vizzaccaro – University of Bristol – alessandra.vizzaccaro@bristol.ac.uk – https://research-information.bris.ac.uk/en/persons/alessandra-vizzaccaro
- Organizer
- Alex Blumenthal
Please Note: Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83392531099?pwd=UHh2MDFMcGErbzFtMHBZTmNZQXM0dz09
Abstract: In the field of structural dynamics, engineers heavily rely on high-fidelity models of the structure at hand to predict its dynamic response and identify potential threats to its integrity.
The structure under investigation, be it an aircraft wing or a MEMS device, is typically discretised with finite elements, giving rise to a very large system of nonlinear ODEs. Due to the high dimensionality, the solution of such systems is very expensive in terms of computational time. For this reason, a large amount of literature in this field is devoted to the development of reduced order models of much lower dimensionality, able to accurately reproduce the original system’s dynamics. Not only the lower dimensionality increases the computational speed, but also provides engineers with interpretable and manageable models of complex systems, which can be easily coupled with data and uncertainty quantification, and whose parameter space can be easily explored. Slow invariant manifolds prove to be the perfect candidate for dimensionality reduction, however their computation for large scale systems has only been proposed in recent years (see Gonzalez et al. (2019), Haller et al. (2020), AV et al. (2019)).
In this talk, the Direct Parametrisation of Invariant Manifolds method (DPIM) will be presented. The theoretical basis of the method is provided by the results of Cabré, Fontich and de la Llave and its algorithmic implementation relies on the parametrisation method for invariant manifolds proposed by Haro et al.. The idea is to parametrise the invariant manifold around a fixed point through a power series expansion which can be solved recursively for each monomial in the reduced coordinates. The main limitation of the original algorithm is the necessity to operate in diagonal representation, which is unfeasible for large finite element systems as it would require the computation of the whole eigenspectrum. The main novelty of the proposed method lies in the expression of the normal homological equation directly in physical coordinates, which is the key aspect that permits its application to large scale systems.
The talk will focus on problems in structural dynamics in both autonomous and nonautonomous settings. The accuracy of the reduction will be shown on several examples, covering phenomena like internal resonances and parametric resonances. Finally, the current limitations and future developments of the method will be discussed.