- Series
- CDSNS Colloquium
- Time
- Monday, February 17, 2020 - 11:15am for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
- Location
- Skiles 006
- Speaker
- Alex Blumenthal – University of Maryland and Georgia Tech – alex.blumenthal@gmail.com
- Organizer
- Albert Fathi
Batchelor's law describes the power law spectrum of the turbulent regime of passive scalars (e.g., temperature or a dilute concentration of some tracer chemical) advected by an incompressible fluid (e.g., the Navier-Stokes equations at fixed Reynolds number), in the limit of vanishingly low molecular diffusivity. Predicted in 1959, it has been confirmed empirically in a variety of experiments, e.g. salinity concentrations among ocean currents. On the other hand, as with many turbulent regimes in physics, a true predictive theory from first principles has been missing (even a non-rigorous one), and there has been some controversy regarding the extent to which Batchelor's law is universal.
In this talk, I will present a program of research, joint with Jacob Bedrossian (UMD) and Sam Punshon-Smith (Brown), which has rigorously proved Batchelor's law for passive scalars advected by the Navier-Stokes equations on the periodic box subjected to Sobolev regular, white-in-time body forces. The proof is a synthesis of techniques from dynamical systems and smooth ergodic theory, stochastics/probability, and fluid mechanics. To our knowledge, this work constitutes the first mathematically rigorous proof of a turbulent power law spectrum. It also establishes a template for predictive theories of passive scalar turbulence in more general settings, providing a strong argument for the universality of Batchelor's law.