Multidimensional Stability of Planar Travelling Waves for Stochastically Perturbed Reaction-Diffusion Systems

CDSNS Colloquium
Friday, October 18, 2024 - 3:30pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 314
Mark van den Bosch – Leiden University –
Asaf Katz

Travelling pulses and waves are a rich subset of feasible patterns in reaction-diffusion systems. Many have investigated their existence, stability, and other properties, but what happens if the deterministic dynamics is affected by random occurrences? How does the interplay between diffusion and noise influence the velocity, curvature, and stability of multidimensional patterns?


We consider reaction-diffusion systems with multiplicative noise on a spatial domain of dimension two or higher. The noise process is white in time, coloured in space, and invariant under translations; based on applications. Inspired by previous works on the real line, we establish the multidimensional stability of planar waves on a cylindrical domain on time scales that are exponentially long with respect to the noise strength. In the deterministic setting, multidimensional stability of planar waves on the whole space has been obtained, and we show to what extend we can do this in the stochastic case.


The metastability result above is achieved by means of a stochastic phase tracking mechanism that can be maintained over such long-time scales. The corresponding mild formulation of our problem features stochastic integrals with respect to anticipating integrands, which hence cannot be understood within the well-established setting of Itô-integrals. To circumvent this problem, we exploit and extend recently developed theory concerning forward integrals.