- Series
- CDSNS Colloquium
- Time
- Friday, April 16, 2021 - 1:00pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
- Location
- Zoom (see additional notes for link)
- Speaker
- Pau Martin – UPC – https://mat.upc.edu/en/people/p.martin
- Organizer
- Alex Blumenthal
Please Note: Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/97732215148?pwd=Z0FBNXNFSy9mRUx3UVk4alE4MlRHdz09
Consider the three body problem with masses $m_0,m_1,m_2>0$. Take units such that $m_0+m_1+m_2 = 1$. In 1922 Chazy classified the possible final motions of the three bodies, that is the behaviors the bodies may have when time tends to infinity. One of them are what is known as oscillatory motions, that is, solutions of the three body problem such that the positions of the bodies $q_0, q_1, q_2$ satisfy
\liminf_{t\to\pm\infty}\sup_{i,j=0,1,2, i\neq j}\|q_i-q_j\|<+\infty \quad \text{ and }\quad
\limsup_{t\to\pm\infty}\sup_{i,j=0,1,2, i\neq j}\|q_i-q_j\|=+\infty.
\] At the time of Chazy, all types of final motions were known, except the oscillatory ones. We prove that, if all three masses $m_0,m_1,m_2>0$ are not equal to $1/3$, such motions exist. In fact, we prove more, since our result is based on the construction of a hyperbolic invariant set whose dynamics is conjugated to the Bernouilli shift of infinite symbols, we prove (if all masses are not all three equals to $1/3$) 1) the existence of chaotic motions and positive topological entropy for the three body problem, 2) the existence of periodic orbits of arbitrarily large period in the 3BP. Reversing time, Chazy's classification describes ``starting'' motions and then, the question if starting and final motions need to coincide or may be different arises. We also prove that one can construct solutions of the three body problem whose starting and final motions are of different type.