- Series
- Dissertation Defense
- Time
- Tuesday, March 12, 2019 - 1:30pm for 1.5 hours (actually 80 minutes)
- Location
- Skiles 005
- Speaker
- George Kerchev – Georgia Tech
- Organizer
- George Kerchev
The length LC_n of the longest common subsequences of two strings X = (X_1, ... , X_n) and Y = (Y_1, ... , Y_n) is a way to measure the similarity between X and Y. We study the asymptotic behavior of LC_n when the two strings are generated by a hidden Markov model (Z, (X, Y)) and we build upon asymptotic results for LC_n obtained for sequences of i.i.d. random variables. Under some standard assumptions regarding the model we first prove convergence results with rates for E[LC_n]. Then, versions of concentration inequalities for the transversal fluctuations of LC_n are obtained. Finally, we outline a proof for a central limit theorem by building upon previous work and adapting a Stein's method estimate.