- Series
- Dissertation Defense
- Time
- Monday, July 21, 2014 - 2:05pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
- Location
- Skiles 006
- Speaker
- Pedro Rangel – School of Mathematics, Georgia Tech
- Organizer
- Pedro Rangel Walteros
This dissertation investigates the problem of estimating a kernel over a
large graph based on a sample of noisy observations of linear measurements
of the kernel. We are interested in solving this estimation problem in the
case when the sample size is much smaller than the ambient dimension of the
kernel. As is typical in high-dimensional statistics, we are able to design
a suitable estimator based on a small number of samples only when the
target kernel belongs to a subset of restricted complexity. In our study,
we restrict the complexity by considering scenarios where the target kernel
is both low-rank and smooth over a graph. The motivations for studying such
problems come from various real-world applications like recommender systems
and social network analysis.
We study the problem of estimating smooth kernels on graphs. Using standard
tools of non-parametric estimation, we derive a minimax lower bound on the
least squares error in terms of the rank and the degree of smoothness of
the target kernel. To prove the optimality of our lower-bound, we proceed
to develop upper bounds on the error for a least-square estimator based on
a non-convex penalty. The proof of these upper bounds depends on bounds for
estimators over uniformly bounded function classes in terms of Rademacher
complexities. We also propose a computationally tractable estimator based
on least-squares with convex penalty. We derive an upper bound for the
computationally tractable estimator in terms of a coherence function
introduced in this work. Finally, we present some scenarios wherein this
upper bound achieves a near-optimal rate.