Stability results in graphs of given circumference

Graph Theory Seminar
Thursday, September 28, 2017 - 1:30pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Jie Ma – University of Science and Technology of China
Xingxing Yu
In this talk we will discuss some Tur\'an-type results on graphs with a given circumference. Let $W_{n,k,c}$ be the graph obtained from a clique $K_{c-k+1}$ by adding $n-(c-k+1)$ isolated vertices each joined to the same $k$ vertices of the clique, and let $f(n,k,c)=e(W_{n,k,c})$. Kopylov proved in 1977 that for $c a recent result of Li et al. and independently, of F\"{u}redi et al. on non-Hamiltonian graphs. Moreover, we prove a stability result on a classical theorem of Bondy on the circumference. We use a novel approach, which combines several proof ideas including a closure operation and an edge-switching technique.