Strong chromatic index for (3, Δ)-bipartite graphs

Graph Theory Working Seminar
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 - 4:30pm for 1.5 hours (actually 80 minutes)
Skiles 006
Chi-Nuo Lee – Georgia Tech
Xingxing Yu
Erdős and Nešetřil conjectured in 1985 that every graph with maximum degree Δ can be strong edge colored using at most (5/4)Δ^2 colors. A (Δ_a, Δ_ b)-bipartite graphs is an bipartite graph such that its components A,B has maximum degree Δ_a, Δ_ b respectively. R.A. Brualdi and J.J. Quinn Massey (1993) conjectured that the strong chromatic index of (Δ_a, Δ_ b)-bipartite graphs is bounded by Δ_a*Δ_ b. In this talk, we focus on a recent result affirming the conjecture for (3, Δ)-bipartite graphs.