On maximal perimeters of convex sets with respect to measures

High Dimensional Seminar
Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - 3:00pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Galyna Livshyts – Georgia Tech – glivshyts6@math.gatech.eduhttp://people.math.gatech.edu/~glivshyts6/
Galyna Livshyts

We discuss the asymptotic value of the maximal perimeter of a convex set in an n-dimensional space with respect to certain classes of measures. Firstly, we derive a lower bound for this quantity for a large class of probability distributions; the lower bound depends on the moments only. This lower bound is sharp in the case of the Gaussian measure (as was shown by Nazarov in 2001), and, more generally, in the case of rotation invariant log-concave measures (as was shown by myself in 2014). We discuss another class of measures for which this bound is sharp. For isotropic log-concave measures, the value of the lower bound is at least n^{1/8}.

In addition, we show a uniform upper bound of Cn||f||^{1/n}_{\infty} for all log-concave measures in a special position, which is attained for the uniform distribution on the cube. We further estimate the maximal perimeter of isotropic log-concave measures by n^2.