Flame-pressure interactions and stretched laminar flame velocities: implicit simulation methods with realistic chemistry

Math Physics Seminar
Monday, March 26, 2012 - 12:00pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Nadeem Malik – King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Rafael de la Llave
An implicit method [1, 2], TARDIS (Transient Advection Reaction Diffusion Implicit Simulations), has been developed that successfully couples the compressible flow to the comprehensive chemistry and multi-component transport properties. TARDIS has been demonstrated in application to two fundamental combustion problems of great interest. First, TARDIS was used to investigate stretched laminar flame velocities in eight flame configurations: outwardly and inwardly propagating H2/air and CH4/air in cylindrical and spherical geometries. Fractional power laws are observed between the velocity deficit and the flame curvature Second, the response of transient outwardly propagating premixed H2/air and CH4/air flames subjected to joint pressure and equivalence ratio oscillations were investigated. A fuller version of the abstract can be obtained from http://www.math.gatech.edu/~rll6/malik_abstract-Apr-2012.docx [1] Malik, N.A. and Lindstedt, R.P. The response of transient inhomogeneous flames to pressure fluctuations and stretch: planar and outwardly propagating hydrogen/air flames. Combust. Sci. Tech. 82(9), 2010. [2] Malik, N. A. “Fractional powers laws in stretched flame velocities in finite thickness flames: a numerical study using realistic chemistry”. Under review, (2012). [3] Markstein, G.H. Non-steady Flame Propagation. Pergamon Press, 1964. [4] Weis,M., Zarzalis, N., and Suntz, R. Experimental study of markstein number effects on laminar flamelet velocity in turbulent premixed flames. Combust. Flame, 154:671--691, 2008.