Approximation of Generic Hamiltonian Systems by Those with a Finite Number of Islands

Other Talks
Thursday, November 29, 2018 - 9:00am for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles, Room 114
Hassan Attarchi – Georgia Institute of Technology –
Hassan Attarchi

Please Note: Oral Comprehensive Exam

The purpose of this work is approximation of generic Hamiltonian dynamical systems by those with a finite number of islands. In this work, we will consider a Lemon billiard as our Hamiltonian dynamical system apparently with an infinitely many islands. Then, we try to construct a Hamiltonian dynamical system by deforming the boundary of our lemon billiard to have a finite number of islands which are the same or sub-islands of our original system. Moreover, we want to show elsewhere in the phase space of the constructed billiard is a chaotic sea. In this way, we will have a dynamical system which preserves some properties of our lemon billiards while it has much simpler structure.