Opening meeting for the Stability and Transitions in Physical Processes (TraX)

Other Talks
Thursday, May 4, 2017 - 8:03am for 8 hours (full day)
Skiles 005
Several speakers – 8 Institutions.
Rafael de la Llave
The TraX project is an inter-university effort, involving researchers from 8 universities, aimed at elucidating the geometric structures in phase space which determine the speed and nature of chemical reactions and how they are affected by external influences such as light pulses or noise. The effort is highly interdisciplinary and it involves Mathematics (Dynamical Systems), Numerical Computations, Physics, and Chemistry all working together to understand experimental phenomena and make predictions. The project has been funded by the European Research Council, Mathematics Division for 4 years and it will sponsor visits of European scientists to GT and provide opportunities for graduate students to collaborate in this area.