Statistical Tensor Learning in 2020s: Methodology, Theory, and Applications

Stochastics Seminar
Thursday, October 20, 2022 - 3:30pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Anru Zhang – Duke University – anru.zhang@duke.edu
Mayya Zhilova

The analysis of tensor data, i.e., arrays with multiple directions, has become an active research topic in the era of big data. Datasets in the form of tensors arise from a wide range of scientific applications. Tensor methods also provide unique perspectives to many high-dimensional problems, where the observations are not necessarily tensors. Problems in high-dimensional tensors generally possess distinct characteristics that pose great challenges to the data science community. 

In this talk, we discuss several recent advances in statistical tensor learning and their applications in computational imaging, social network, and generative model. We also illustrate how we develop statistically optimal methods and computationally efficient algorithms that interact with the modern theories of computation, high-dimensional statistics, and non-convex optimization.