Breaking the curse of dimensionality for boundary value PDE in high dimensions

Stochastics Seminar
Thursday, November 10, 2022 - 3:30pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Ionel Popescu – University of Bucharest and Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics – ioionel@gmail.com
Mayya Zhilova

Zoom link to the seminar:

I will show how to construct a numerical scheme for solutions to linear Dirichlet-Poisson boundary problems which does not suffer of the curse of dimensionality. In fact we show that as the dimension increases, the complexity of this  scheme increases only (low degree) polynomially with the dimension. The key is a subtle use of walk on spheres combined with a concentration inequality. As a byproduct we show that this result has a simple consequence in terms of neural networks for the approximation of the solution. This is joint work with Iulian Cimpean, Arghir Zarnescu, Lucian Beznea and Oana Lupascu.