Hankel index of a projection of rational normal curve.

Student Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Monday, February 24, 2020 - 4:00pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Jaewoo Jung – Georgia Tech – jaewoojung@gatech.edu
Cvetelina Hill

The dual of the cone of non-negative quadratics (on a variety) is included in the dual of the cone of sums of squares. Moreover, all (points which span) extreme rays of the dual cone of non-negative quadratics is point evaluations on real points of the variety. Therefore, we are interested in extreme rays of the dual cone of sums of squares which do not come from point evaluations. The dual cone of sums of squares on a variety is called the Hankel spectrahetron and the smallest rank of extreme rays which do not come from point evaluations is called Hankel index of the variety. In this talk, I will introduce some algebraic (or geometric) properties which control the Hankel index of varieties and compute the Hankel index of rational curves obtained by projecting rational normal curve away from a point (which has almost minimal degree).