Undergraduate TA Application Instructions

Fall 2025

Please note: UTA positions are only open to undergraduate students.

Part I: Materials

1. Begin by selecting a problem from the problem set to submit with your application.  Write your solutions by hand and save as a PDF file.

2. You will need to list a reference name and email address on your application form. We will email your reference for a letter after we receive your application.  References should be from former professors or job supervisors; recommendations from students (PLs, TAs, etc.) will not be accepted.  The reference must be from a Georgia Tech faculty or staff member.  You  may only ask a graduate student to complete the reference if that graduate student served as your instructor of record for the course, not the TA.  The reference does not have to be from the School of Mathematics.

3. Once you have completed your problem set and confirmed your reference, complete the online TA application.

Applications are due no later than 11:59 pm on Friday, February 14, 2025. 

Your application will be reviewed by the UTA Selection Committee. Applicants will be selected for the interview process based on the problem set score, math courses completed, current GPA, and faculty recommendation.

Part II: Interview Process

If you are selected for an interview, you will be notified in late February to early March. You will then be given instructions on how to sign up for your interview.  Please note: submitting an application does not guarantee an interview.

Interviews will be with the Director of Teaching Assistants and at least one math TA. Please arrive at the interview five minutes early. If another applicant is still in the room, please wait in the lobby.


Since new freshmen will not register until summer FASET, most UTA applicants will not be notified about the status of the applications until late July or early August.


If you have questions, please come to one of our Q/A sessions:

Or, for additional information, please contact the TA Coordinator at ta-coordinator@math.gatech.edu.

** Please note: If you interviewed with us last year and did not teach for us, you will have to go through the application process again, but with a reduced requirement.  Please contact the TA Coordinator for details.

*** If you have previously taught for us but you are not a current TA, you do not have to go through the application process again. Please contact the TA Coordinator if you wish to return next semester.