Advanced Standing Exams

Applying to take an Advanced Standing Exam:

  1. In each semester, applications open after the first week of classes and close four weeks before the Final Exam Period.
  2. See the Registrar's page for information and to find the appropriate form at: Advanced Standing Exams
  3. Fill out the top section of this form: all student information and the student signature.  You do not need to get the signature of a department representative or the registrar at this point.
  4. Email the form as a pdf attachment to
  5. Complete and submit the registration form after completing the steps 3 through 4.
  6. Your form will be processed within a few days. You will receive an email with the signed form and further directions at that point if you are approved to take the exam.

Email with questions or concerns.

Scheduling of Advanced Standing Exams:

  • Advanced Standing Exams are offered during the final exam period of each semester, including Summer.
  • Advanced Standing exams are not given for MATH 2106, 3235, 3236, 3406 or for 4000-level Math courses. In every semester, Advanced Standing Exams will be offered for MATH 1551, 1552, 1553, 1554, 2550, 2551, 2552, and 3012.   Requests for Advanced Standing Exams in other math courses will be considered, but the request may be denied.  Please note that requests for advanced standing exams will be accepted for consideration only if received no later than four weeks prior to the final exam period in the given term.  

Rules for Advanced Standing Exams:

  • DO NOT pay until you get permission from the Math Academic Office to take the exam.
  • A student cannot take an advanced standing exam if he/she has taken the course at Georgia Tech and received any grade in the course, including a W.
  • A student must be in good standing at the request date and at the exam date.
  • A student must currently be enrolled in classes at Georgia Tech during the term of the advanced standing exam.
  • Students who have taken MATH 1553 at Georgia Tech cannot take an Advanced Standing exam for MATH 1554.  Students who have transfer credit for MATH 1553 can request an Advanced Standing exam for MATH 1554. Similarly, students who have taken MATH 2550 at Georgia Tech cannot take an Advanced Standing exam for MATH 2551.  Students who have transfer credit for MATH 2550 can request an Advanced Standing exam for MATH 2551.
  • A students cannot take more than 2 Advanced Standing exams in Mathematics in a single term.
  • Students may not use more than 9 credits of advanced standing to meet degree requirements.
  • Students will not be allowed to take an examination for advanced standing in a course for which the prerequisite(s) has not been met.
  • Students may attempt to receive credit via examination only once per course. This includes both Advanced Standing and Freshman Placement Exams.  

Summer 2024 ASE – Updated May 17, 2024.

1. List of Summer 2024 Advanced Standing Exams:

The School of Mathematics will offer ASE for MATH 1551, 1552, 1553, 1554, 2550, 2551, 2552, and 3012.

2. Applying for a Summer 2024 ASE:

Requests can be submitted starting Monday May 20, 2024. Please submit your request by July 1, 2024. Your request will be evaluated by the Math Academic Office.

3. Administration of Summer 2024 ASE:

All ASEs will be in-person at a Georgia Tech campus, with no exceptions. You must bring your Georgia Tech ID (Buzzcard) to the exam. The exams will be given during the Final Exam period: July 29-August 1. The exact date, time and location for each exam will be determined by the School of Mathematics later. Please check the exam location before the day of the exam.


Should the MATH ASE conflict with a student's regularly scheduled final exam during the institute's final exam period, the conflict period on August 2, 2024, from 11:20 AM – 2:10 PM in the final exam schedule will be used for administration of the MATH ASE. In the case of a time conflict, it is incumbent on the student to request use of the conflict period at least three weeks in advance of the scheduled exam. No exceptions will be granted.


If you are taking a Summer 2024 ASE, you will receive instructions about payment for the exam after applications close and information about the materials allowed on your exam just before the Final Exam period begins. For most exams, please expect that calculators and notes are not allowed.

4. Tentative Schedule of Exams:

Course Time Location
MATH 1551 Differential Calculus Friday, August 2, 11:20 am-2:10 pm Skiles 202
MATH 1552 Integral Calculus Monday, July 29, 11:20 am-2:10 pm Klaus 1447
  Friday, August 2, 11:20 am-2:10 pm Skiles 202
MATH 1553 Intro to Linear Algebra Wednesday, July 31, 11:20 am- 2:10 pm Howey L1
  Friday, August 2, 11:20 am-2:10 pm Skiles 202
MATH 1554 Linear Algebra Monday, July 29, 11:20 am-2:10 pm Weber SST III 1
  Friday, August 2, 11:20 am-2:10 pm Skiles 202
MATH 2550 Intro to Multivariable Calculus Wednesday, July 31, 11:20 am- 2:10 pm Instructional Center 111
  Friday, August 2, 11:20 am-2:10 pm Skiles 202
MATH 2551 Multivariable Calculus Wednesday, July 31, 11:20 am- 2:10 pm Boggs B5
MATH 2552 Differential Equations Wednesday, July 31, 11:20 am- 2:10 pm Instructional Center 211
  Friday, August 2, 11:20 am-2:10 pm Skiles 202
MATH 3012 Applied Combinatorics Wednesday, July 31, 8:00-10:50 am Mason 5136
  Friday, August 2, 11:20 am-2:10 pm Skiles 202

Spring 2024 Advanced Standing Examinations - Updated April 22, 2024.

1. List of Spring 2024 Advanced Standing Exams:

The School of Mathematics will offer Advanced Standing Exams in a limited number of classes in Spring 2024. Advanced Standing Exams will be offered for MATH 1551, 1552, 1553, 1554, 2550, 2551, 2552, 3012, 3215, and 3670.

Requests for Advanced Standing Exams for other classes will be considered, and such requests must be submitted by March 20, 2024. A decision regarding the availability of Advanced Standing Exams for other classes will be made by March 27.                                                                                                                           

2. Applying for a Spring 2024 Advanced Standing Exam:                                                                                                                                                            

Applications can be submitted beginning January 15, 2024, the start of the second week of classes. Please note that requests for advanced standing exams for Spring 2024 will be accepted for consideration only if received no later than March 27, 2024, four weeks prior to the final exam period of the term. Your request will be evaluated by the Math Academic Office.

3.  Administration of Spring 2024 Advanced Standing Exams:

All Advanced Standing Exams (ASE) will be in-person at a Georgia Tech campus, with no exceptions. You must bring your Georgia Tech ID (Buzzcard) to the exam.  The exams will be given during the Final Exam period: April 25-May 3.  The exact date and time of each exam will be determined by the School of Mathematics at a later time.

NO MAKEUP TIMES ARE AVAILABLE. If you register for an exam, please be sure that you are available to take the examination at that date and time.  We recommend that you check out the location of the exam before the day of the exam.       

If you are taking a Spring 2024 ASE, you will receive instructions about payment for the exam after applications close and information about the materials allowed on your exam just before the Final Exam period begins.  For most exams, expect that calculators and notes are not allowed. 

4. Tentative Schedule of Exams:

Course Time Location
MATH 1551 Differential Calculus Thursday, April 25, 6:00-8:50 pm Scheller College of Business 200
MATH 1552 Integral Calculus Thursday, April 25, 6:00-8:50 pm Instructional Center 103
  Friday, May 3, 11:20 am-2:10 pm Clough 144
MATH 1553 Intro to Linear Algebra Tuesday, April 30, 6:00-8:50 pm Clough 144
MATH 1554 Linear Algebra Tuesday, April 30, 6:00-8:50 pm Howey Physics L3
MATH 2550 Intro to Multivariable Calculus Friday, April 26, 2:40-5:30 pm Howey Physics L1
  Wednesday, May 1, 2:40-5:30 pm College of Computing 52 (location change!)
MATH 2551 Multivariable Calculus Thursday, April 25, 2:40-5:30 pm Howey Physics L3
MATH 2552 Differential Equations Monday, April 29, 8:00-10:50 am Howey Physics L2
MATH 2603 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics Monday, April 29, 8:00-10:50 am Klaus 2443
MATH 3012 Applied Combinatorics Friday, April 26, 8:00-10:50 am Ford EST L1205
  Monday, April 29, 8:00-10:50 am Weber SST III Room 1
  Thursday, May 2, 8:00-10:50 am Weber SST III Room 1
MATH 3215 Intro to Probability and Statistics Monday, April 29, 8:00-10:50 am Instructional Center 115
  Thursday, May 2, 8:00-10:50 am Instructional Center 111
MATH 3670 Probability and Statistics with Applications Thursday, April 25, 2:40-5:30 pm College of Computing 17


Fall 2023 Advanced Standing Examinations - Updated December 5, 2023.

1. List of Fall 2023 Advanced Standing Exams:

The School of Mathematics will offer Advanced Standing Exams in a limited number of classes in Fall 2023. Advanced Standing Exams will be offered for MATH 1551, 1552, 1553, 1554, 2550, 2551, 2552, 3012, 3215, and 3670.

Requests for Advanced Standing Exams for other classes will be considered, and such requests must be submitted by November 1, 2023. A decision regarding the availability of Advanced Standing Exams for other classes will be made by March 28.                                                                                                                           

2. Applying for a Fall 2023 Advanced Standing Exam:                                                                                                                                                            

Applications can be submitted beginning August 28, 2023, the start of the second week of classes. Please note that requests for advanced standing exams for Fall 2023 will be accepted for consideration only if received no later than November 8, 2023, four weeks prior to the final exam period of the term. Your request will be evaluated by the Math Academic Office.

3.  Administration of Fall 2023 Advanced Standing Exams:

All Advanced Standing Exams (ASE) will be in-person at a Georgia Tech campus, with no exceptions. You must bring your Georgia Tech ID (Buzzcard) to the exam.  The exams will be given during the Final Exam period: December 7-December 15.  The exact date and time of each exam will be determined by the School of Mathematics at a later time.

NO MAKEUP TIMES ARE AVAILABLE. If you register for an exam, please be sure that you are available to take the examination at that date and time.  We recommend that you check out the location of the exam before the day of the exam.       

If you are taking a Fall 2023 ASE, you will receive instructions about payment for the exam after applications close and information about the materials allowed on your exam just before the Final Exam period begins.  For most exams, expect that calculators and notes are not allowed. 

4. Tentative Schedule of Exams:

Course Time Location
MATH 1551 Differential Calculus Thursday, December 7, 6:00-8:50 pm Klaus 1443
MATH 1552 Integral Calculus Thursday, December 7, 6:00-8:50 pm Kendeda 152
  Friday, December 15, 11:20 am-2:10 pm Clough 144
MATH 1553 Intro to Linear Algebra Tuesday, December 12, 6:00-8:50 pm Clough 144
MATH 1554 Linear Algebra Tuesday, December 12, 6:00-8:50 pm Klaus 1443
MATH 2550 Intro to Multivariable Calculus Thursday, December 7, 6:00-8:50 pm Clough 144
  Thursday, December 14, 11:20 am-2:10 pm Instructional Center 103
MATH 2551 Multivariable Calculus Thursday, December 7, 2:40-5:30 pm Kendeda 152
  Friday, December 15, 11:20 am - 2:10 pm Clough 144
MATH 2552 Differential Equations Monday, December 11, 8:00-10:50 am Howey Physics L2
  Thursday, December 14, 8:00-10:50 am Howey Physics L2
MATH 2603 Intro to Discrete Mathematics Monday, December 11, 8:00-10:50 am Instructional Center 211
MATH 3012 Applied Combinatorics Monday, December 11, 8:00-10:50 am Weber SST III Room 1
  Thursday, December 14, 8:00-10:50 am Weber SST III Room 1
MATH 3215 Intro to Probability and Statistics Wednesday, December 13, 11:20 am-2:10 pm Weber SST III Room 1
MATH 3670 Probability and Statistics with Applications Friday, December 8, 2:40-5:30 pm Instructional Center 211