All students interested in graduate studies in the School of Math are invited to attend the "prospective student day." This event will offer the opportunity to hear about our graduate degree options, requirements for admission, as well as meet our Faculty and current graduate students. Prospective students from underrepresented groups in the Mathematical Sciences and students from the Atlanta area are particularly encouraged to attend. If you plan to attend, please send your name, the year you plan to graduate, and the college you are attending to See the schedule for more details.

Elaine Marjorie Hubbard died at the age of 66 on Nov. 18, 2016. She was an alumna of the School of Mathematics, earning a B.S. in Applied Mathematics in 1972, an M.S. in Applied Mathematics in 1974, and a Ph.D. Mathematics in 1980.

After a career as a distinguished and innovative mathematics professor at Kennesaw State University for almost 30 years, she retired in 2003. She was a long-time friend and supporter of the College of Sciences School of Mathematics and a member of the College of Sciences Advisory Board until her untimely death.

College of Sciences Dean Paul M. Goldbart delivered the eulogy at the funeral service, on Nov. 23, 2016. Following is a slightly abridged version of Dean Goldbart’s remarks:

Today is a very sad occasion. But I hope I may be able to ease our sadness by reflecting on some things we all share and treasure, our friendship with a remarkable woman, Elaine Hubbard, and our gratitude for Elaine’s life and accomplishments, which are rightly measured as being path-breaking and good.

My name is Paul Goldbart, and I am fortunate to serve as dean of the Georgia Institute of Technology’s College of Sciences, which I am honored to represent today, especially given Elaine’s abiding love for the Institute. Being dean means that I guide the educational and research activities provided by the college, which range across the sciences and include those undertaken within our School of Mathematics. This school was home to Elaine during her studies at Georgia Tech, the place where she earned not one, or two, but three degrees: bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate, following an associate’s degree from what was then Kennesaw Junior College.


At Georgia Tech Elaine is and always will be admired as one of our pioneers and early role models: a highly successful student, encouraged by her late father, Glenn, and her mother, Marjorie, at a time when women in mathematics,  especially at the graduate level, were extremely few. With her dissertation “An Algorithm for Finite-Dimensional Approximations of Solutions to Infinite-Dimensional Problems,” Elaine was among Georgia Tech’s very first female Ph.D.s in Mathematics. I think she would be pleased to know that this very month Georgia Tech has appointed the first ever woman to chair its School of Mathematics.

A good friend of Elaine’s at Georgia Tech, Frank Cullen, offered this eloquent characterization: “Elaine was a classmate in most of our upper-level math courses, including differential equations, analysis, advanced algebra, and others. She was a stellar student, always at the top of the class, well prepared, courteous, respectful, and confident— and the only female. I never beat her in a class grade of any kind. Her command of mathematical subjects was truly awesome.” Never one to boast about breaking new ground, Elaine did however delight in telling the story of her doctoral certificate, of how it was doctored by Georgia Tech with correction fluid being applied so that an administrator could handwrite the words “she” over the stock-printed words “he.”

Volunteer, Leader  

Friends of Elaine will know the broad range of her personal interests and her willingness to take on volunteer leadership roles. At Georgia Tech, she was a loyal member of the Friends of the School of Mathematics and an active volunteer with the Alumni Association, promoting her class reunions and other programs. She was also a consistent and generous donor with interest in supporting the development of faculty in the School of Mathematics.

Of special significance was Elaine’s long-time membership on the College of Sciences Advisory Board. This is a small group comprising some of our most accomplished graduates—people having distinguished careers in business, government, and academia—who provide guidance and counsel to the dean. It is through this affiliation that I came to know Elaine and to develop great regard for her intellect, academic achievements, devotion to students, warm personality, good humor, and her quiet but deep desire to make a difference.

Mathematics Education Innovator

In her professional life, Elaine taught mathematics at our sister institution, Kennesaw State University, from 1975 until her retirement in 2003, rising to the rank of professor. Throughout, she was a true innovator, her delight in doing mathematics serving to inspire her students. She piloted the use of graphical calculators and gained national recognition and the Kennesaw Distinguished Teaching Award for her groundbreaking uses of technology. She spoke on mathematics education at conferences and campuses around the nation and received  the Kennesaw State Alumni Association Achievement Award in 1994.

Elaine co-authored an amazing 13 textbooks on mathematics, important for their incorporation of the scholarship of teaching and learning to promote student success. Elaine’s friend and neighbor Juanita Hughes told me that Elaine would bring her autographed copies of her latest book, hot off the press, but thankfully would not quiz Juanita on the contents.

Elaine participated in numerous professional organizations‚ including several honor societies; the American Mathematical Society; the Mathematical Association of America; and the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges.

Community Service

An active member of the community‚ Elaine was involved in the Cherokee County Historical Society and Preservation Woodstock‚ the Woodstock Centennial Commission‚ the Cherokee County Library Board‚ and the Sequoyah Regional Library Board. She also served as a poll manager for Cherokee County.

Elaine was very proud of her work with public libraries in Cherokee County. Her passion was evident in how she spoke about the challenges and her efforts to improve access to information and knowledge for the citizens of the community that was her home for life. Cherokee County stands out as excellent in both public education and resources for its residents. Elaine’s work is testament to her passion for helping others and to her splendid intellect. Elaine has done good things wherever she has gone and in whatever she has attempted. 

Friend and Supporter of Georgia Tech

Elaine was a thoughtful donor to Georgia Tech. While she was quiet about her philanthropy, I don’t think Elaine would mind my telling you that she made a special provision in her will to permanently endow a faculty position in our School of Mathematics. This means that a full professorship will carry her name at the Georgia Institute of Technology forevermore, supporting the research and educational activities of a scholar of international renown and serving to retain such talent for the people of the State of Georgia.

In expressing his gratitude to Elaine, Georgia Tech’s President G. P. “Bud” Peterson wrote that it is “thanks to the support of principal benefactors like Dr. Hubbard, [that] Georgia Tech continues to reach new heights, building upon academic strengths, and addressing the challenges facing our region, our nation, and the world.” I’m sure you will agree that this is indeed a fine tribute to a remarkable mind who valued education and service. This legacy will stand alongside Elaine’s deep commitment to community, family, and friends.

Former chair of the Georgia Tech School of Mathematics, Professor Doug Ulmer also knew Elaine well. Due to international travel he is unable to be with us today. But both he and Interim School Chair Prasad Tetali have asked me to offer their heartfelt condolences to all. Doug expressed to me his deep gratitude to Elaine for her advice, friendship, and support during his term as chair. He also reminded me that Elaine was not noted for her formality. When asked if she would like Georgia Tech to hold a formal event to recognize her contributions, she said that the idea was “about as appealing as hot needles in the eyes.” Instead, we accompanied Elaine to a Georgia Tech baseball game, where we shared ice creams to beat the Atlanta summer heat. I think Elaine loved Tech football even more. While many fans chatter during the games, she would be utterly focused, carefully following every down.

Thank you, Elaine

Like each of you, I am deeply saddened by the news of Elaine’s untimely passing. And I don’t mind telling you that—though deeply honored – I was at first a little anxious when Joe James invited me to speak at this service. For me, the more natural habitat is the lecture hall. But then a ray of sunlight fell across my desk, with its crisp geometrical outlines, and I saw there was no better way for me to honor my friendship with Elaine than to stand before you today. It is yet another gift to celebrate her life before family and friends.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day,  a time for reflection on what we have and what we share with others,  a time to be with family and friends,  a time to recognize those who have made a difference in our lives.

Tomorrow, and on every Thanksgiving Day that follows, with the same spirit of love, admiration, and appreciation that we share here today, I shall pause and think of Elaine Hubbard and give thanks for her life.

Fall Commencement at the Georgia Institute of Technology Dec. 16-17 will feature keynote addresses from Georgia Tech mathematics professor Robin Thomas and Freeman A. Hrabowski III, president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC).

The ceremony for Ph.D. and master’s degree graduates will be 7-9 p.m., Dec. 16, at McCamish Pavilion on 10th Street. No tickets are required to attend. Students should arrive no later than 6 p.m. and report to Zelnak Center adjacent to McCamish.

Thomas,  a professor in the School of Mathematics, is the recipient of this year’s Class of 1934 Distinguished Professor Award. Born, raised and educated in Prague, Czechoslovakia, Thomas came to Georgia Tech in 1989. He holds the Regents professor designation from the University System of Georgia and has led the Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization program at Georgia Tech since 2006. Read the full story here.

Michole E. Washington graduated with a B.S. in Applied Mathematics. She came to Georgia Tech from Westlake High School, Atlanta, Georgia. While waiting to hear from Ph.D. programs, she is growing a mathematics tutoring company she established just shortly before graduation.

What attracted you to study in Georgia Tech? How did Georgia Tech meet your expectations?

I am from a lower socioeconomic community south of Atlanta; my mother and I fell on hard times almost routinely. I found solace in independently learning math. During my senior year of high school, I decided to major in mathematics after years of self-exploration of the subject. With support from my mother and friends, I applied to Georgia Tech even though I had little hope that I would be accepted. I was not only accepted early, but I was also awarded a G. Wayne Clough Georgia Tech Promise scholarship, including funding for a semester of study abroad.

What is the most important thing you learned while at Georgia Tech?

I learned the true value in building meaningful relationships, not only with my peers, but also with faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the surrounding community; janitors, supervisors, professors, chefs, security guards, and Stinger drivers, whom I loved getting to know. They, too, supported me. Networking is beyond potential monetary gain. Networking should be an organic exchange of cultures, ideals, trades, and other aspects that make individuals different and unique. Being exposed to various perspectives at Tech made the experience even more worthwhile.

What surprised you the most at Georgia Tech? What disappointed you the most?

A few weeks before graduation I discovered that I would be only the ninth black woman to graduate with a B.S. in Applied Mathematics from Tech. A mentor of mine shared this fact on her Facebook page. Within hours the post went viral: 40 shares on Twitter, more than 20,000 likes on Instagram, and at least 6,000 retweets on Twitter.

Being only the ninth in 131 years is equally surprising as it is disappointing, but it encourages me and others to shrink the gap.

Which professor(s) or class(es) made a big impact on you?

Abstract Algebra was extremely difficult. On my first try, I constantly battled a two-fold problem: learning how to write proofs and trying to master new material that uses proof writing. After weeks of deliberation, I withdrew from the class.

The following semester I re-enrolled in the class taught by Professor Josephine Yu, who teaches much differently from other math professors. Her class was interactive and creative; whether you grasp the information or not, you walk away from her class feeling like she was giving her all so that you can organically learn the information. Having a professor who cared that much guarantees an impact, and I passed the class.

What is your most vivid memory of your time at Georgia Tech?

My most vivid memory currently is meeting the Fall 2016 commencement speaker, University of Maryland Baltimore County President Freeman A. Hrabowski III. He is my idol as a black mathematician and an influential proponent of increasing the access of minority students to STEM education. Meeting him was just phenomenal. He offered great advice, which I hope to live up to within the next year.

In what experiential learning activities did you participate? What was the most valuable outcome of your experience?

In Summer 2014, I conducted research at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, in Berkeley, California. It was my first exposure to advanced mathematics, like Real Analysis. Although it was difficult, I found great support from my two research partners, graduate teaching assistants, and program directors. Some people in my cohort remain dear friends today. We continue to support each other on our mathematical journeys.

In Summer 2015, I studied in Hungary as part of the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics program. It was my first time abroad, an amazing experience every day. I loved learning mathematics from Hungarian mathematicians and traveling to nine countries in two months.

In Summer 2016, I was a counselor for OMED’s Challenge Program 2016 for incoming minority Yellow Jackets. I continue to be a mentor and resource to them today.

On the basis of your experience, what advice would you give to incoming freshmen at Georgia Tech? 

Speak up; you have a voice, not only for matters of social injustice, but also for academics.

I cannot count the number of times when—even though I numerically did not “pass” the course—the professor graded me on the basis of my ability to hold discussion in several office hours about the content. They rated me according to my willingness to learn inside and outside of lectures. Truth be told I was probably wrong nine times out of 10, but they recognized my desire to fix the mistakes. That is the value in education.

Do not sit quietly and struggle alone. Raise your hand in class and go to office hours. You can even go to other professors’ and teaching assistants’ office hours.

Do not let anything get in the way of your education and your goals, but also know that it is okay to take a step back, to fail, or to barely miss your goal. The process is what makes you strong.

What feedback would you give to Georgia Tech leaders, faculty, and/or staff to improve the Georgia Tech experience for future students?

The student experience can be improved. Students deserve faculty who care about their holistic growth as future contributors to society. Meaningful relationships go much farther than the syllabus content. We need the motivation and support all around to encourage us to learn more.

Where are you headed after graduation? How did your Georgia Tech education prepare you for this next step?

Georgia Tech taught me that it is okay to love mathematics the way that I do and that it is an even better idea to share my passion with the world.

A year before graduation, I started my own math tutoring/mentoring company, called Afrithmetic. I plan to grow my company and spread our reach to several schools in the Metro Atlanta Area. I am also awaiting notification from several Ph.D. programs in Mathematics Education.

Professors Robin Thomas and Prasad Tetali are organizing a conference to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ACO Program at Georgia Tech. It will be held January 9-11, 2017 in Klaus 1116 on the Georgia Tech campus. The conference will feature a Distinguished Lecture by Professor Laszlo Babai of the University of Chicago, a number of one-hour speakers, lectures by ACO alumni, and a poster session open to all interested parties. See the complete list of speakers. Registration is free, but we ask everyone interested in attending to please register in order to help us plan.

Our Communications, Development and Outreach committee and editorial staff invite you to take a look at the 9th edition of our newsletter, the ProofReader. This edition covers events in School of Mathematics from September 2015 through July 2016.

In this issue, we discuss the vast efforts made by the School and its members towards improving diversity, both inside the School and in the fields of mathematical sciences. As before, you will also find articles about the School's graduate and undergraduate academic programs, faculty news and events, mathematical history and research.

School of Mathematics Professor Haomin Zhou will receive the Georgia Power Professor of Excellence Award during the men's basketball game between Georgia Tech and Notre Dame University, this coming Saturday (January 28, 2017) during the half-time show at noon. The award recognizes one selected professor from each of Georgia Tech's six colleges, and aims to bridge academics and athletics.

Rachel A. Kuske took over as chair of the School of Mathematics on Jan. 3, 2017. The first woman to lead the school, she arrives at a time when the school is poised to take the next steps toward greater leadership in mathematics and expanding opportunities for students, postdocs, and faculty.

Kuske was most recently a professor of mathematics at the University of British Columbia (UBC). She was chair of the UBC Department of Mathematics in 2007-11. Since 2011, she served as a senior advisor to the provost on women faculty.

“Rachel is a highly accomplished leader as university researcher, educator, and administrator and is renowned for her expertise, energy, experience, and expectations for excellence,” says College of Sciences Dean Paul M. Goldbart. “Not only does she bring to Georgia Tech valuable domain leadership, but she also has a record of commitment to building bridges to related disciplines, especially engineering and the sciences, and she understands well the value of such bridges in the setting of the modern technological university.”

In a wide-ranging conversation, Kuske discussed her research, what drew her to Georgia Tech, what’s next for the School of Mathematics, and diversity as part of strategy.


"I work in applied stochastic dynamics, understanding the dynamical processes of phenomena that evolve over time in some complex way, but with some randomness. This area has a range of applications, including optics, neuron signaling, disease cycling, and climate dynamics.

"Mathematics is a great unifier. Mathematicians can look at some behavior, understand the models of that behavior, and boil it down to an abstract framework. Then they modify the framework depending on what they observe.

"They can apply that framework to other phenomena. What’s common with all mathematics is that certain structures to explain certain behaviors in one field can be brought to other fields. As soon as you can reduce something to an abstract framework, you can start look around for things that might fit in the same framework. In this way, mathematics connects fields that otherwise might never speak to each other."


"So many things going on at Georgia Tech are of interest to a mathematician, from the viewpoints of applications and the strong quantitative angle. Georgia Tech has a lot of mathematically oriented people across campus.

"I had a job offer here 20 years ago. Although the School of Math and Georgia Tech were already very good then, I turned down the offer.  Atlanta was not an attractive city for me at the time. Twenty years hence, Atlanta has transformed.

"Another big draw is the people in the school. In the end they were the ones who really recruited me. They basically said, we’re ambitious, there’s lots of things we want to do, and we hear you’re the person who will help us make it happen. The faculty saying we have a great trajectory and we want you to run with us—that is much more attractive than a head hunter’s call."


"Our faculty members are already leaders in research and education. Their visibility is already very good. The school is on a good trajectory for greater leadership globally. As we continue to hire strongly, recruit top-notch people, and expand our graduate program and our postdoc program, consistent high quality as a global player will naturally follow.

"We can be better in leading at Georgia Tech. Many Georgia Tech units are just hungry for it. We need to figure out how faculty, postdocs, and graduate students can engage fully in opportunities between schools and in other places. In a number of interdisciplinary programs where we play a key role, we can play an even bigger role.

"We should bring more people and resources to Georgia Tech rather than researchers going elsewhere. We want to make Georgia Tech a hub for mathematical activity. Georgia Tech as a hub will put us on the map in terms of recruiting. People will want to be here because great things are happening here.

"We want to transform undergraduate education so that the mathematics major generates options for students, including connections to other academic programs. We want students to know that if they come to the school, they will get a solid quantitative foundation from which they could pursue a variety of paths, at Georgia Tech or elsewhere.

"I’d like to hear from our majors. We have hopes and dreams for the school to support the hopes and dreams of students. We like to make sure those align."


"Generally, diversity is valuable. Strategically, organizations tend to do better when they are diverse and inclusive.

"Diversity is a thread that permeates across and holds up the pillars of research, education, and leadership, just like good governance, effective communications, or robust development activities. Viewed in this way, diversity gets built in everything you do.

"I would like diversity to just be a normal part of operations, without having to think about it. In many cases, however, we have to highlight efforts to help normalize inclusive practices and remind people that diversity is a part of what we do. Recognizing that it can appear in different scenarios, we need to make sure our processes are adapting for it."

Congratulations to Zaher Hani, the School of Mathematics most recent recipient of an NSF CAREER award! Zaher continues the School of Math’s success in this program, with 5 awards in recent years.

The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization. A CAREER award is viewed by DMS as the highest distinction that NSF can provide to junior researchers in the mathematical sciences.

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: This blog post was first published on the Georgia Tech Lorraine blog on March 8, 2017, by Samuel Burke.

Last week I had the wonderful opportunity to sit down with Dr. Wing Li, the mathematics professor at GTL for this semester. I attend the class she is teaching for undergraduates this time around, differential equations, twice a week and can personally attest to the fact that she is one of the most genuinely nice professors currently teaching at Georgia Tech, and someone who really does care about her students learning.

I learned from Dr. Li that she attended high school in Hong Kong, which is where she first realized that mathematics was the subject she wanted to pursue into college and beyond. After graduating from high school, she moved to the United States by herself to attend an American college, first receiving her B.S. from the University of Iowa, and then her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, both in mathematics.  Now Dr. Li teaches at Georgia Tech and is currently in her 3rd semester at our French campus.

Dr. Li told me that she believes that many professors are reluctant to volunteer to teach at GTL, often due to having kids who are currently enrolled in primary or secondary school in the Atlanta area. However, Dr. Li is in the unique position of being married to a native of France and having kids who are fluent in the language. She told me: “it was an excellent experience for the children, not only did they get to learn subjects in French, but they also got to really see the differences between the American and French school systems.” Because of this, Dr. Li was more than happy to volunteer for the position multiple times.

Currently Dr. Li is involved in research related to a subject called operator theory, which she described to me as basically being linear algebra (matrices, subspaces, etc.) but with infinite dimensions. She says it is an extremely interesting subject since: “you can’t just use a calculator or a computer to solve for the answer when you’re working with infinite dimensions. You have to really break everything down to pure theory instead of solving for specific examples.” Also, “if you can understand how things work with infinite dimensions, working with finite dimensions becomes simple.”

Outside of math, Dr. Li told me she’d always had an interest in music.  Following graduate school, she began taking piano lessons, but not having a piano of her own to practice at home, she switched instead to voice lessons. “It was convenient because I will always have my voice with me, but I didn’t realize how much of a strain lecturing for hours every day would be.” So, finally, she ended up choosing the violin, which she practiced an hour every day for 8 years until kids came into the picture.

At Georgia Tech Lorraine, students are encouraged to travel as much as they can, so I thought I’d ask Dr. Li a little about her travels. She told me that of all the places she’s been to the Greek islands struck her as the most beautiful, but the place that had the greatest impact, she revealed, was actually Alaska. “I had never seen anything so vast, yet in a way it was romantic and inviting. A place where I would very much like to stay and contribute to the land instead of just pass through.”

Dr. Li’s parting words to me were ones of advice for students here at GTL “don’t miss Metz,” she told me. “As you travel to famous locations all over Europe, don’t forget about the place you are calling home for these 4 months, and the incredible beauty and history that is right in our backyard.”


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