Case studies, visiting lecturers from financial institutions, student group projects of an advanced nature, and student reports, all centered around quantitative and computational finance. Crosslisted with ISYE and MGT 6785.
Basic unifying theory underlying techniques of regression, analysis of variance and covariance, from a geometric point of view. Modern computational capabilities are exploited fully. Students apply the theory to real data through canned and coded programs.
Introduction to the numerical solution of the classic problems of linear algebra including linear systems, least squares, SVD, eigenvalue problems. Crosslisted with CSE 6643.
Develops the probability basis requisite in modern statistical theories and stochastic processes. Topics of this course include measure and integration foundations of probability, distribution functions, convergence concepts, laws of large numbers and central limit theory. (1st of two courses)
Discrete time Markov chains, Poisson processes and renewal processes. Transient and limiting behavior. Average cost and utility measures of systems. Algorithm for computing performance measures. Modeling of inventories, and flows in manufacturing and computer networks. (Also listed as ISyE 6761)