

Ordinary Differential Equations I

This sequence develops the qualitative theory for systems of ordinary differential equations. Topics include stability, Lyapunov functions, Floquet theory, attractors, invariant manifolds, bifurcation theory, normal forms. (1st of two courses)

Testing Statistical Hypotheses

Basic theories of testing statistical hypotheses, including a thorough treatment of testing in exponential class families. A careful mathematical treatment of the primary techniques of hypothesis testing utilized by statisticians.

Algebra I

Graduate level linear and abstract algebra including groups, rings, modules, and fields. (1st of two courses)

Graph Theory

Fundamentals, connectivity, matchings, colorings, extremal problems, Ramsey theory, planar graphs, perfect graphs. Applications to operations research and the design of efficient algorithms.

Hilbert Spaces for Scientists and Engineers

Geometry, convergence, and structure of linear operators in infinite dimensional spaces. Applications to science and engineering, including integral equations and ordinary and partial differential equations.

The three course series MATH 6579, 6580, and 6221 is designed to provide a high level mathematical background for engineers and scientists.

This course is equivalent to MATH 6338. Students should not be able to obtain credit for both MATH 6580 and MATH 6338.

Survey of Calculus

Functions, the derivative, applications of the derivative, techniques of differentiation, integration, applications of integration to probability and statistics, multidimensional calculus.

Finite Mathematics

Linear equations, matrices, linear programming, sets and counting, probability and statistics.

Differential Equations

Methods for obtaining numerical and analytic solutions of elementary differential equations. Applications are also discussed with an emphasis on modeling.

Multivariable Calculus

Linear approximation and Taylor’s theorems, Lagrange multiples and constrained optimization, multiple integration and vector analysis including the theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes.

Introduction to Multivariable Calculus

An introduction to multivariable calculus through vectors in 3D, curves, functions of several variables, partial derivatives, min/max problems, multiple integration. Vector Calculus not covered.


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