Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Non equilibrium steady state for a simple model of electric conduction

CDSNS Colloquium
Monday, December 3, 2012 - 16:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Federico BonrettoGeorgia Tech
A very simple model for electric conduction consists of N particles movingin a periodic array of scatterers under the influence of an electric field and of aGaussian thermostat that keeps their energy fixed. I will present analytic result for the behaviourof the steady state of the system at small electric field, where the velocity distribution becomesindependent of the geometry of the scatterers, and at large N, where the system can bedescribed by a linear Boltzmann type equation.


CDSNS Colloquium
Monday, November 5, 2012 - 16:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 06
Miguel WalterGeorgia Tech (Aerospace Eng.)
A common practice in aerospace engineering has been to carry out deterministicanalysis in the design process. However, due to variations in design condition suchas material properties, physical dimensions and operating conditions; uncertainty isubiquitous to any real engineering system. Even though the use of deterministicapproaches greatly simplifies the design process since any uncertain parameter is setto a nominal value, the final design can have degraded performance if the actualparameter values are slightly different from the nominal ones.Uncertainty is important because designers are concerned about performance risk.One of the major challenges in design under uncertainty is computational efficiency,especially for expensive numerical simulations. Design under uncertainty is composedof two major parts. The first one is the propagation of uncertainties, and the otherone is the optimization method. An efficient approach for design under uncertaintyshould consider improvement in both parts.An approach for robust design based on stochastic expansions is investigated. Theresearch consists of two parts : 1) stochastic expansions for uncertainty propagationand 2) adaptive sampling for Pareto front approximation. For the first part, a strategybased on the generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) expansion method is developed. Acommon limitation in previous gPC-based approaches for robust design is the growthof the computational cost with number of uncertain parameters. In this research,the high computational cost is addressed by using sparse grids as a mean to alleviatethe curse of dimensionality. Second, in order to alleviate the computational cost ofapproximating the Pareto front, two strategies based on adaptive sampling for multi-objective problems are presented. The first one is based on the two aforementionedmethods, whereas the second one considers, in addition, two levels of fidelity of theuncertainty propagation method.The proposed approaches were tested successfully in a low Reynolds number airfoilrobust optimization with uncertain operating conditions, and the robust design of atransonic wing. The gPC based method is able to find the actual Pareto front asa Monte Carlo-based strategy, and the bi-level strategy shows further computationalefficiency.

"Completing the Proof of the Boltzmann-Sinai Hypothesys"

CDSNS Colloquium
Monday, October 22, 2012 - 16:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles Bldg, Room 006
Nandor SimanyiU. Alabama Birmingham
Putting in place the last piece of the big mosaic of the proof of the Boltzmann-Sinai Ergodic Hypothesis,we consider the billiard flow of elastically colliding hard balls on the flat $d$-torus ($d>1$), and prove that no singularity manifold can even locally coincide with a manifold describing future non-hyperbolicity of the trajectories. As a corollary, we obtain the ergodicity (actually the Bernoulli mixing property) of all such systems, i.e. the verification of the Boltzmann-sinai Ergodic Hypothesis. The manuscript of the paper can be found at

Floquet bundles for tridiagonal competitive-cooperative systems

CDSNS Colloquium
Monday, October 8, 2012 - 11:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Yi WangUniversity of Sciences and Technology of China
For a general time-dependent linear competitive-cooperative tridiagonal system of differential equations, we obtain canonical Floquet invariant bundles which are exponentially separated in the framework of skew-product flows. The obtained Floquet theory is applied to study the dynamics on the hyperbolic omega-limit sets for the nonlinear competitive-cooperative tridiagonal systems in time-recurrent structures including almost periodicity and almost automorphy.

Greene's Criterion for the Breakup of Invariant Tori of Volume Preserving Maps

CDSNS Colloquium
Monday, October 1, 2012 - 16:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 06
Adam FoxUniv. of Colorado
Invariant tori play a prominent role in the dynamics of symplectic maps. These tori are especially important in two dimensional systems where they form a boundary to transport. Volume preserving maps also admit families of invariant rotational tori, which will restrict transport in a d dimensional map with one action and d-1 angles. These maps most commonly arise in the study of incompressible fluid flows, however can also be used to model magnetic field-line flows, granular mixing, and the perturbed motion of comets in near-parabolic orbits. Although a wealth of theory has been developed describing tori in symplectic maps, little of this theory extends to the volume preserving case. In this talk we will explore the invariant tori of a 3 dimensional quadratic, volume preserving map with one action and two angles. A method will be presented for determining when an invariant torus with a given frequency is destroyed under perturbation, based on the stability of approximating periodic orbits.

Modeling transcriptional elongation

CDSNS Colloquium
Monday, September 24, 2012 - 11:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Tomas GedeonMontana State University

Please Note: Joint with Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar

Bio-polymerization processes like transcription and translation are central to a proper function of a cell. The speed at which the bio-polymer grows is affected both by number of pauses of elongation machinery, as well their numbers due to crowding effects. In order to quantify these effects in fast transcribing ribosome genes, we rigorously show that a classical traffic flow model is a limit of mean occupancy ODE model. We compare the simulation of this model to a stochastic model and evaluate the combined effect of the polymerase density and the existence of pauses on transcription rate of ribosomal genes.

Toward Computer Assisted Morse Theory.

CDSNS Colloquium
Friday, September 7, 2012 - 11:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Jason Mireles-JamesRutgers University
I'll discuss some work on rigorous computation of invariant manifolds and computer assisted proof of the existence of transverse connecting orbits for differential equations. I'm also interested in how these computations can be used to obtain global topological data, such as the chain groups and boundary maps of Morse Theory.

Computer assisted proofs for normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds

CDSNS Colloquium
Monday, August 27, 2012 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 06
M. Capinski AGH Univ. Krakow and SOM, Gatech
We shall present a method which establishes existence of normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds for maps within a specified domain. The method can be applied in a non-perturbative setting. The required conditions follow from bounds on the first derivative of the map, and are verifiable using rigorous numerics. We show how the method can be applied for a driven logistic map, and also present examples of proofs of invariant manifolds in the restricted three body problem.

Schroedinger operators beyond the Almost Mathieu

CDSNS Colloquium
Wednesday, July 11, 2012 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Alex HaroUniv. of Barcelona
This talk is devoted to quasi-periodic Schr\"odinger operators beyond the Almost Mathieu, with more general potentials and interactions, considering the connections between the spectral properties of these operators and the dynamical properties of the asso- ciated quasi-periodic linear skew-products. In par- ticular, we present a Thouless formula and some consequences of Aubry duality. We illustrate the results with numerical computations. This is a join work with Joaquim Puig

On a weak form of Arnold diffusion in arbitrary degrees of freedom

CDSNS Colloquium
Monday, April 23, 2012 - 11:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Vadim KaloshinUniv. of Maryland
Consider a generic perturbation of a nearly integrable system of {\it arbitrary degrees of freedom $n\ge 2$ system}\[H_0(p)+\eps H_1(\th,p,t),\quad \th\in \T^n,\ p\in B^n,\ t\in \T=\R/\T,\]with strictly convex $H_0$. Jointly with P.Bernard and K.Zhang we prove existence of orbits $(\th,p)(t)$ exhibiting Arnold diffusion \[\|p(t)-p(0) \| >l(H_1)>0 \quad \textup{independently of }\eps.\]Action increment is independent of size of perturbation$\eps$, but does depend on a perturbation $\eps H_1$.This establishes a weak form of Arnold diffusion. The main difficulty in getting rid of $l(H_1)$ is presence of strong double resonances. In this case for $n=2$we prove existence of normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds passing through these double resonances. (joint with P. Bernard and K. Zhang)
